charles anastase sheer skirts!

excuse my terrible magazine scan from lula. my favorite magazine at the moment.

it’s true. i’ve already done a super-obsessed charles anastase post before… but it’s been months. er, at least one month… and in that time, i had forgotten about the collection for a moment.

but now i can’t get it out of my mind! ruffles, bows, sheer fabrics, romance, denim, boater hats, nerd glasses, super tall platform sandals with socks! it’s the way i would dress if i had the commitment to any one style! it’s the way i would dress if i had the money to buy the whole collection. er, i don’t even know where to get this stuff anyways. do they even sell charles anastase in the states?

anyhow, what i’m really thinking about most are the sheer skirts! oh, the sheer skirts! i would sew one right up out of a certain shade of dusty rose fabric i saw in the fabric store the other day, but i don’t think i’m skilled enough with the sewing machine to do something sheer. i wouldn’t be able to hide my mistakes!

i put together this little photo collage using photos from

so instead, i’ll sit here and feast my eyes on the collection. and who knows, maybe i’ll find something vintage that’s incredible similar…

let’s dream, shall we?


  1. I'm totally drooling. I love the thrid image in the front row, I saved in my folder when I first saw it on
    I love that collection. It's totally how I want to dress but can't afford. :)

  2. Love that collection, those sheer skirts are amazing. Sometimes at fleamarkets I do come across some skirts like that, they were worn as some kind of petticoat I think. They look quite similair, maybe a little less detailed. I used to have a red one, but I think it just dissapeared.

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