wren lookbook!

yes, please! i came across these wonderfully inspirational autumn/winter ’09 lookbook photos from wren and i couldn’t be more excited! this came at a very opportune time because i was beginning to feel a little concerned that i wasn’t finding quite enough inspiration for the colder months, but now i’m feeling quite inspired! direction is materializing!

back at the beginning of spring/summer, i was going gaga for the “geek chic” looks coming from charles anastase, 3.1 phillip lim (who’s nerdy glasses i bought for myself), and luella circa spring ’08, among many others which aren’t coming to mind at the moment… it probably stems from my roots as a high school nerd myself, complete with baby blue rhinestoned cat eye glasses and silly outfits borrowed from a bookish audrey hepburn in funny face. i kid you not! it was a bizarre combination. and i think i will always have an affection for the nerdy looks because i’m blind as a bat. it’s true!

these lookbook photos have got a lot of what i lust for in fashion right now. that adorable matching red turban and sweater, the vintage specs and hats, and those sweet little saddle shoes! not to mention that amaaaazing sheer lace dress on the top right up there. enough said.

photos via refinery 29, which i’m assuming were via wren, but i couldn’t find the lookbook on their site! hm.

oh and you know what? while we’re at it, since i’m in the market for a fresh pair of saddle shoes, does anyone have a recommendation ?


  1. loving the outfits and that does totally get me excited about the colder months too :) good luck finding those saddle shoes you want oh so much :)

  2. Ahhh I love all of this!!! The rolled menswear pants, saddle shoes, lace, pillbox hat, and birdcage veils. Beautiful!

  3. I love saddle shoes and wear them with white anklets.The best palce to get them is from muffys.com,check it out she has the best selection of saddle shoes.also payless sells a cheaper version for under $20.00 on line

  4. oh hooray! thank you for the suggestions! i'm so excited to finally get me some saddle shoes! haha! ;)

  5. i want saddle shoes so bad!!! i've only seen them at payless, kinda iffy, and in vintage shops, for $70+. anyway, wren is awesome, great post!

  6. oh! the specs on those ladies are killin' me! I can't wait for autumn too, wish i could layer up year round really. Really inspring outfits. <3

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