weardrobe nyc super mega post

first up, a photo shoot with photographer eddie newton, formerly of style sightings. he just launched his own street style blog, mr. newton, and his first post was about the ladies of weardobe! you must check it out.

all the girls crowded into the weardrobe suite for tons of goodies from our sponsors. thank you so much to nooka, seychelles and b.c. footwear, shopruche, necklush, we love colors, victoria’s secret, cheap monday, need supply, 80’s purple, hayden harnett, bing bang, who what wear, sigg, knockout, pac sun, and flip cam! after all the goodies, we ordered pizza and got gift certificates for custom jeans courtesy of indidenim!

oh, and did i mention that we stayed in the super-fancy gramercy park hotel? it was quite luxurious.

started saturday morning with a subway ride.

one of the highlights of the trip for me was the brunch at eat records and the shopping spree at fred flare across the street! the food at eat records hit the spot and the ladies of fred flare were so sweet! they did a cute little blog post about it, including an extra special video.

then onto some serious brooklyn shopping in the serious nyc summer heat. first we stopped at artists and fleas to check out some local vendors. then at buffalo exchange, they gave us cold water, shopping bags, and fans. this was particularly nice after a lousy experience with the staff at beacon’s closet.

onto the pacsun d.i.y. denim session at 3rd ward! pacsun was super-generous: not only did they provide us with gift cards to the store, but they arranged for a really fun d.i.y. project, complete with tons of pairs of skinny jeans to choose from and an array of studs and embellishments.

onto dinner at fat hippo courtesy of gilt groupe! i must mention several things here. one, fat hippo has the most amazing comfort food ever. two, felicity and gabby of gilt groupe were super cool ladies. and three, i’m a huge fan of gilt fuse, they carry some of the more reasonably priced designer items at discounted prices. score. if you want to sign up, you can use my personal invitation link.

afterward, we continued the festivities at the weardrobe suite with wine, cheesecake, and good times. it’s funny, but with all of the events, downtime like this was some of the most enjoyable and valuable time we had together. it was great to have the opportunity to talk about blogging with other bloggers in real life. crazy idea, no?

sunday morning began with a press brunch at lure in soho. i do not typically eat at such fancy restaurants, so this was a particularly enjoyable experience. we had our own weardrobe menus.

the photoshoot with craig arend of altamira nyc was a blast. since we were blocking traffic in the crowded streets of soho, we made quite a spectacle and managed to generate a crowd of onlookers. rebecca and i took cheesy tourist shots of ourselves in front of the shoot. oh, and you should also visit the altamira blog post about weardrobe, too.

the window styling challenge at eryn brinie was also a delight. i got paired up with sara and i have to say, we were super pleased with the styling of our mannequin. she came out very casual chic, and sara was a blast to work with.

we had an opportunity to break for a little shopping and hit up a few stores. i picked up 2 pairs of cute earrings at lunessa and had fun browsing through the cute offerings at invent.ory.

after the shopping, we all gathered at new work city for a blogging workshop with rue la la and tumblr. in fact, now that i understand the whole idea of tumblr, i’ve started my own, and i think i’m getting used to it. oh these kids and their technology! also, if you would like to join rue la la, you may use my personal invitation link.

the last day of the conference ended with a lovely brunch and clothing swap at the weardrobe suite. we all said our goodbyes and i have to admit, even i got a little teary-eyed. all of the girls were just so wonderful!

we finished up with some photo booth photos. aw, i miss you guys already! thank you so much to suzanne, rich, and jessica of weardrobe for an unforgettable weekend. you guys are awesome!

all images were pulled from either the weardrobe tumblr or the weardrobe flickr pool, where you can also find tons more images of the weekend. my apologies that i don’t have individual photo creds, but it’s all thanks to the weardrobe ladies:


  1. That seems like it was so much fun! I think it's really great that bloggers are increasingly being recognized and celebrated instead of the same old celebrities. It's refreshing.

  2. Big snaps… a totally awesome round up of the whole weekend.

    After NYFW, I am even MORE grateful to have spent the weekend with you guys. Really the cream of the crop and a down to earth group.

    Miss you!

  3. i love this
    thanks for sharing the inspiration
    loving that youre recognizing these blogs

    check out my blog @

  4. You guys look like you have so much fun! It's such a lovely idea to gather all fashionista to share their clothes and ideas!!!

  5. Thanks for you advice Erin. I get so nervous buying vintage. I just hope it's not what I think the stain is because the owner has a few kitties that run around the store.

  6. What a lot of fun! I enjoyed this post a lot. I'm sorry you had lousy service at Beacon's Closet. That was one of my favorite places to shop when I lived in NYC. I've found service in Williamsburg can be a bit mercurial sometimes — there's something about working in hipster central that makes certain people go a bit haywire, I guess.

  7. that looks like you guys had tons and tons of fan!!
    awesome, and i love your blue dress, you look like a little doll!!!

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