calivintage on american apparel

oh, such small pleasures! if you check out the american apparel polyester micro-fiber tulip skirt, there’s a little section titled “seen on bloggers” with a teeny tiny picture of yours truly wearing said mini skirt. what a delightful little discovery! anyway, the picture is small but it does link back to the original post here. but i figured i would show you the outfit again anyway!

vintage pink blouse, ebay
mauve sash, american apparel
polyester microfiber tulip skirt, american apparel
sheer flower tights, tabio
blimey oxfords, seychelles


  1. brilliant stuff! you must be so pleased!! :)

    p.s don't worry, you're not out the loop! fantastic mr fox has been out in the uk for a coupla weeks & think its out in the US as of friday…stupid me, i should have mentioned that really! :)

  2. Not at all small pleasures at all…. you look great and American Apparel noticed a true star!!! congrats! xoxo

  3. Ooh, lucky girl! I ought to be up on there for the sheer amount of times I've worn their skirt on my blog, ahaha. Jokes! Congrats, I've always loved that outfit. ♥

  4. yay, yay, yay!! Congrats, sweets! Btw, can I get the 180×90 pic from you? send it to lolavintage(at)

    ps. I remember you were my first twitter friend. :)

  5. cute!

    i think i asked this before, but does the skirt cling to tights (i assume you're sans slip)? i have that problem when i wear tights with knit skirts.

  6. Well look at you, rockstar! You really do look awesome. And them using you for advertising worked- I'm definitely considering buying that skirt now.

  7. That's pretty awesome. I love those skirts but I feel they would so short. I need to go to AA just because I've never really been to one of their stores before.

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