do your homework

ok, today is probably not the best day for me to be focusing energy on the blog. saturday marks the end of the semester for me and i kinda have like 5 papers to write. this is all compounded by the fact that i was sick last weekend and missed a couple of classes, so i’m feeling especially lost about what all of these papers entail. i really should be a better student and start asking questions, but sometimes i get embarrassed when i fall behind and i can’t seem to speak up. so bad. in fact, this whole semester has been really bad and i can’t wait for it to be over so i can take a little break and re-evaluate my situation; get some focus and energy back before i start again in the spring.

so maybe all this thought about academia has influenced this outfit. geek chic anyone? actually, it’s probably just the latest trends taking hold of me. i just can’t help myself! i am head over heels for thigh high boots, i’ll always love a good blazer, and i’m a california girl, so cut off shorts are required. anyway, i don’t have the money to spend on thigh high boots, so i opted for socks pulled over my knees instead. it kinda works, no?

and what is this? can you believe i ventured off my roof and onto the street? i live in an urban area, but my house is in a residential neighborhood. let me just tell you, i don’t know how well this outfit will fly over here. i’m not generally shy about taking photos in public or anything, but the maintenance dudes were staring at us and some random duder just decided to stop on the sidewalk and watch us while we took photos. i felt creepy and my boyfriend agreed. we slowly walked away, and i found myself unsure of my sartorial decisions…

vintage wool j.crew blazer, ebay
pinstripe ruffle blouse, j.crew
vintage levi’s cut off shorts, thrifted
sheer stockings & over the knee socks, drugstore
blimey oxfords, seychelles
vintage dooney & bourke purse, thrifted


  1. cute! Living in Louisiana when I dress the way I like to dress I get tons of stares and comments. Not always bad comments but still I hate the attention! Most gals here wear t shirts,jeans,gym shorts,flip flops or stuff like Hollister & American Eagle. Just not my style at all!

  2. You look so fantastic and the the thigh high stockings, they're amazing! I could never pull them off but they look just divine with the opaque tights and the cut off shorts. And the D&B bag compliments the whole things wonderfully.

  3. Don't doubt it for a second! You look really cool and put together. I was actually considering knee socks as fake OTK books myself.

    I LOVE this outfit. I would copy it exactly and wear it proudly (well, maybe with lower socks to avoid thigh spillover on my part!).

  4. wow! this is a look I have been dying to try and this gives me even more incentive to give it a go. very nice!

    jess s//

  5. love the thigh highs! and i can relate about feeling awkward taking photos on the street. i live in a neighborhood in brooklyn where you get hollered at when wearing mustard stained sweats. at least you have a good roof!

  6. You look great, love the tall socks. Too bad about the creepers…it is strange to pose/take pictures in front of people. I like to think they're just curious rather than judgmental. Good luck with school work.

  7. I'm also at the end of the semester and have some papers and projects due as well. Yuck :( But it's refreshing to read your updates so please write when you can!

  8. I love the schoolboy chic look to this outfit. Oh, and I totally feel like a creeper sometimes when I take my pictures outside. I think people were watchin' ya because you were totally killing it with those socks.

  9. I love this look so much! It's something I sport regularly for school! I feel the same way as you sometimes when taking pics out in public. It can sometimes be very awkward! But just think to yourself – It's all for the blog! haha

  10. love the look darling
    saw it on weardrobe and fell in love with it there
    thanks for sharing, gorgeous!!

    check out my blog @

  11. Flipping hell HOT LEGS. I love this outfit but I'd never have the guts in a million years to wear it, not with my thighs o0

  12. that a great outfit! i love the shoes with the thigh high socks – you have the legs to pull it off! (i hope that doesn't sound like a creeper haha)

  13. You look very lovely Erin! I wore thigh-high stockings the other week though and I do know what you mean — lots of stares! Some from men, some mildly reproving from other women. But I still say if you feel good in them, you should walk about confidently and ignore the looks :) Thigh-high boots are such a big trend this season, they'll have to get used to it.

  14. love the outfit! i get shy & feel a little awkward when my fella is taking my pic & someone is nearby…to be honest i try & pick times when no one is about! :)

  15. I love this….socks pulled over the knee is a great alternative and I actually think it looks better than otk boots would with this!

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