jail birds

on the heels of my last two posts, i decided to do one last prison chic inspiration post. after mentioning the student protests in france during the 60’s in this post yesterday and then doing my own little interrogation in this post, i found out that the university of california students at berkeley staged a protest of the uc system fee hike and occupied the wheeler hall. apparently 41 students were arrested. as much as i love california, the budget over here is bad. the uc system will be experiencing a 32% fee increase next fall. i hate to get too political on a personal style blog, but i really do believe education should be accessible to all people, so this is pretty rough.

anyway, thanks to the fantasy of fashion photography, at least i can imagine that this is what it’s like in prison. pretty bad-ass, no? i don’t have links to the originals, but i can tell you that they are steven meisel for w magazine and that i found them over at cat party.


  1. 32% is an absolutely horrendous fee increase. I don't know what it's going to do for the State universities but it makes me a little glad I'm done with the UC system. San Jose State has raised its tuition a few hundred in the last few months, though; nobody's immune especially in California!

    But wow, this is one fantastic editorial. Leave it to fashion photographers to make jail look fun! And is that Eliza Cummings?? I have such a big crush on her.

  2. That is pretty rough. I also agree education shouldn't be for people who can afford it. That is ridiculous.

    This is such a great spread! It's interesting to see prison life through the lens of fashion!

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!!


  3. You are so right. Education is important, for everyone. I can't imagine what it must be like to not be able to go to college, or send your children to a good universaty. We are very lucky on that subject in our country, I realize.

    Having said that: Gorgeous pictures. I love Steven Meisel's photography.

  4. long time reader, first time commenting. i HAD to comment, since i was at the protest yesterday, supporting the people outside of wheeler hall! it was crazy. the police were beating people down, threatening tear gas.

    the occupiers were very brave, & i am so thankful that i am getting out of the UC system this May (when i graduate).

    anyway, interesting editorial. and i love your blog. :)

  5. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS! Like Erin, I was also outside supporting the Wheeler occupants. The increases are insane, but this was such an awesome historical event to be a part of. Great representation of the power of large numbers.

    Anyways, these photos are pretty bad-ass. Can't wait to see you at the meet-up!

  6. Those are great photos.

    I can't believe the fee increases… I'm going to be paying over $10k for tuition next year! Freakin' ridiculous.

    Speaking of the Berkeley protests, did you hear what happened at UCLA? Two people got tasered, and one of them is actually a close friend of mine. Insane.

  7. I don't mind you & anyone else posting polical stuff on a fashion blog cause it is part of our lives just as our fashion tastes!!…. and what a great way to express it through fashion!!!

    you go calvintage!!

  8. I heard about the UC increase and it is just ridiculous.

    Those photos made me laugh though. What a glamourous prison lifestyle.

  9. I love this spread and I've never seen it before. That is a ridiculous leap in fees…it's hard to avoid politics even on a fashion blog in this day and age…

  10. Oh wow. Tough job trying to glamourise prison but somehow they did it.

    Fees in NZ are a nightmare too. Except the majority of the student body prefer to just take it instead of engage in activism. A small minority do and good on them but in general there's apathy to activism here.

  11. i really like how you highlighted a political issue with relevant fashion photography. i like the idea of being outcast from society with other glamorous like-minded individuals.

  12. Waw i love these photographs! Yes i agree, education should be available to everyone! Tuition fees are way too high, it's ridiculous!

  13. I'm not sure I love how glamorous and sexy they make the fighting in these pictures. But the photography itself is beautiful, as are the clothes. Thanks for posting them, regardless!

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