orange you glad

well well, looks like someone has recently discovered the color orange and that someone is me! right on the heels of two very neutral outfits, i decided to change it up a bit and play with some color. i never really wore orange before i got this sweater, and now it’s opening up a whole world of possibilities. isn’t orange notoriously difficult to wear? meh, the more i play with color, the more i realize that it’s the tans and taupes and olive greens that are scary. at least for me. for instance, there’s this particular shade of sage green that makes me look like death. but orange, well…

knock knock
who’s there?
banana who?
knock knock
who’s there?
banana who?!
knock knock
who’s there??!!
orange who?
orange you glad i didn’t say banana?

so basically, i love it. i lurve it. i luff it. and now it’s time for me to give credit where credit is due: i’ve seen a few lovely ladies on the web sporting the belted scarf lately (blue collar catwalk and between laundry days), and i finally decided to give it a try after seeing jessica of what i wore in a belted wrap sweater. i guess you could say that i’m just really into putting a skinny belt on anything and everything. it does wonders for someone with a short waist and large bust like myself. ok, now i’m starting to sound like trinny and susannah or something.

p.s. i went overboard with the pictures today. sometimes i can’t help myself.

vintage rust sweater, thrifted
vintage orange plaid scarf, thrifted
vintage belt, thrifted
vintage navy coach purse, thrifted
custom high rise skinny jeans, courtesy of indidenim
star ling woven platform sandals, nordstrom


  1. I really love the scarf belted over the outfit look. I have done it a few types and just love how different it looks. This scarf is delicious!

  2. i la la loveeee the scarf idea. i have so many and this is such a good way to use them.

    been creeping on your blog for a while and you are just so cuteeeee and inspriring.

  3. Aw, thanks for the shout-out, darlin'! I, too, LURFF (heehee) orange, and this scarf, and those fantastic heels. You look phenomenal.

  4. Belting scarves is my not-so-guilty please. I haven't done it in a while… okay, tomorrow's outfit, much? You've inspired me.

  5. you look great in orange (i especially love the rust sweater). love how you wore your scarf as a shirt. and those jeans fit you perfectly. :)

  6. Lovely outfit; you wear orange so well! I myself tend to stray away from bright colors (I love the olives), but the autumn-y rich versions are really appealing to the eye. I want to try that belted scarf thing now too, haha!

  7. i love the colors in your scarf! soooo vibrant! everything in nature looks so dead right now because all of the snow melted … you have to look somewhere for life, and i'd look to your scarf!

  8. Oh, you were so savvy to thrift that scarf! It's lovely lovely. You're always able to be so crafty and creative with skinny jeans. You look amazing in orange :)

    xo Jenny

  9. you are working that brilliant orange! and i haven't told you before, but i love your hair! its nice to see shorter cuts that are stylish (i'm partial to keeping a bob too!)


  10. I love the scarf you chose and that you matched it to your sweater. I am going to have to try this belted scarf thing now!
    I love orange and have just recently begun to incorporate a lot of it into my wardrobe. You look great in it! – JoAnn, Sidewalk Chalk

  11. That's a genius idea with the scarf, i'm definitely going to try it some time! And orange is my absolute favourite colour.

  12. so cute! tried this myself, but with a sweater dress instead.

    i posted the pic on my blog and gave you a little shout out. :)

    keep it up…your looks are awesome and inspiring.


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