weardrobe 100

i was totally gonna do an outfit post today, but then i realized i was much comfier in an outfit that i’d already worn on the blog before. such is the way on a lazy sunday. so instead, i will look back and reminisce over outfits of the past, like the ones featured in this super cute online magazine put out by weardrobe featuring the weardrobe 100 best looks of 2009. i am honored to be featured alongside so many other fashionable ladies.

and i know she already said something similar on her blog, but i have to say it was a nice little touch to find my photo right beside katy of kansas couture. she has incredible personal style and i am a huge fan of her blog. work it!

oh, and just for fun, one of my outfits also made it’s way to the weardrobe front page as well. aw, i feel special today.


  1. Congratulations on making that list of the best and brightest for 2009!

    I have a strong feeling that a year from now we will be looking at you in the 100 best looks of 2010!

  2. Congrats! I actually found your blog thnaks to the weardrobe 100. Glad I took a look…you have a good eye.


  3. It is very fitting that you were featured with Kansas Couture seeing how I enjoy both of your blogs so friggin much! Congrats on rockin it!

  4. ooh, congrats! you're dfeinitely among one of the most stylish ladies whose blogs i read. you definitely deserve this feature!


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