
hair play

today i would like to share a little video with you about how i do my hair. ever since i got my bob, i’ve gotten quite a few emails asking me various questions about the style, cut, and care of my hair, so i finally decided to discuss the topic!

my hair is naturally straight with just a little bit of bend. i say it’s pretty thick both in diameter and in the amount of hair on my head. it is currently untreated in any way and this is my natural color. i usually shampoo my hair with the cheapest shampoo in the drug store: suave daily clarifying shampoo. it’s like $2 for a giant bottle. i don’t use conditioner because my hair seems to do just fine without it.

and this is how i style it:

1. blow dry. i have zero technique here. i just aim the blow dryer at it all willy-nilly until it gets dry. my hair is thick, so this takes quite a while. (in fact, sometimes i take a break to eat chocolate candies.)

2. once it’s dry, i add a dab of product. lately, i just work some bumble and bumble grooming cream into my hair for a little bit of texture and to control any pesky little fly-aways. i also like to use b&b brilliantine, which adds a bit more gloss, but i ran out and have to restock.

3. this step is optional. i take a flat iron and straighten just the top layer of hair to get a more tidy look. (if i’m going for something more messy, i’ll skip this step and use b&b surf spray with a dab of sumotech.)


but i cannot take all the credit for this look. i must thank my dear friend and hair stylist, shannon dean, who works at revamp salon on 16th and guerrero in san francisco. i don’t think my hair would be nearly as easy to style if i didn’t have such an excellent cut! seriously, if you live in the area, you must give him a call. he is incredibly talented, very communicative, and he will give you one helluva salon experience. if my look isn’t your cup of tea, he also styles diane of darling darling, liz of late afternoon, and his girlfriend: jennie of going west, to name a few.


  1. Great video. You make me want my bob back! But I'm growing my mop hair out! I'll go back to short hair again… later. But your bob is great! Love the song! You're very pretty! :)

  2. You're adorable, and so creative too! Love this, Erin. Really wish I could pull off a short haircut!


  3. This is so cute! Love your hair :D

    I really should get some straighteners. I have a slightly longer bob, and I think I'd benefit from smoothing down the top layer. Especially with the drizzly English weather that makes my hair go all fly away :)

  4. My technique is pretty much exactly the same as yours (minus the bumble and bumble). My hairstylist/friend is very persistent that I try the product, however, so perhaps soon.

  5. what a fun video! i've nearly had it with trying to grow my hair out! and your little video is tempting me to go back to my shorter hair days!

  6. Not only was that video the cutest thing ever… but I'm way jealous!!!!

    It takes me soooooo long to do my hair. I prefer it to be straightened (so it won't look like a cape!!!) But It's wavy, really thick, and just plain unruly! I'm growing it to donate, but having fun with really long hair right now too :)

  7. Love that you shared this. I've never known how to do my hair so I just kind of wash and go. I've got long locks now but I did have a bob at one time and I didn't make it look nearly as cute as you do!

  8. oh erin this makes me even MORE excited to meet you on saturday!! you're so adorable! and i agree with you short bobs are so easy to style! that's basically what i do every morning too :)

  9. I must ask about your bangs. Do you go in for touch-ups or cut them yourself? That's always my big dilemma, as I have a short bob with blunt bangs as well.

  10. cute video!
    i really love your hairstyle (plus you looke like irina lazareanu -but you must have heard that a zillion times before…) i'd love to have a haircut like yours, however i'm afraid of chopping my hair off. i'm simply not brave enough.

  11. you are thee CUTEST thing ever!! you're pictures already show that, but your video further shows it!! =]


    – Teeney

  12. I love your hair. I attempted the style myself a year ago, but it didn't work for me. It reminds me a lot of Russian designer Vika Gazinskaya's angular cut.

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