sneak peek: girl’s night out

me and rebecca of the clothes horse.
so i’m kinda sorta IN NEW YORK FOR FASHION WEEK. it’s been quite a whirlwind of a trip so far and it’s only just begun. it’s been a bit of a challenge to remember to take photos while running around manhattan and brooklyn wearing heels and trying desperately not to slip in the several inches of snow on the ground, but i’m doing my best to document the trip so i can tell you all about it when i get back. but just for fun, i thought i would take a moment to show you a few shots from our blogger girl’s night out courtesy of dove vip hosted by jessica of what i wore.
and now i’m off to the chictopia10 conference for the remainder of the day. i’ll be “tweeting” from my phone so be sure to follow me on twitter for all the latest updates.

rebecca of the clothes horse, me, jessica of what i wore.


  1. i think we're all unbelievably jealous! you girls look great, hope your having the time of your lives and can't wait to see all your photos when you get home!

  2. So so SO jealous! I just love you girls. Totally wish I could be there. Thanks for posting pics so we can live vicariously through you.

  3. Ugh, I really regret not entering that Chictopia 10 contest for the slight possibility of being at NYFW! Anyways, you guys look fabulous and looks like such a fun time!

  4. i love your blog…
    i gave you an award at my blog
    and i also added you to my link list

  5. So happy you are having fun in NY. I will be up there soon for the IFB conference. I hope next season, or the season after, I will be able to attend some shows.

    Joy D.

  6. It looks like you had a lovely time : ) What a convenience that Jessica lives in NY! And on a side note…I ADORE that red wallpaper!

  7. how cute are those shoulders! cant wait to see more pics!

  8. So so strange seeing bloggers from different places sitting there together! I haven't met any others bloggers! This is awesome.

  9. the pics look like you gurlz had a fantabulous time! envy. you have to tell us where your tights are from! if you have them listed in one of your other posts…apologies. i've just started reading your blog and am still in the process of going through all your posts. can't wait!

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