blog favorites march 26

calivintage blog favorites march 26

this week, i saw so many delightful blog posts that it was difficult for me to narrow it down to just six entries! but if you want to see where all of my inspiration goes before it get’s filtered through and turned into a blog post here, then you should definitely check out the calivintage tumblr.

a thought is the blossom: playful girls playing dress up
if you have not seen these fun group photo shoots over at a thought is a blossom, then i suggest you hop on over and check them out. so many adorable ladies donning pretty vintage clothes, prancing around and having a blast. it’s got me excited to try coordinating a shoot of my own with some of my friends!

variacje: lodz cycle chic
alright, so this photo is not from last week or even the week before, but i just recently discovered this blog via tumblr. i can’t remember who posted about her, but i’m glad they did whoever it was! i’m in the market for a vintage bike to ride around town, so my eye has been drawn towards fashionable ladies riding equally fashionable bikes!

trop rouge: hometown walks
i just discovered this cool blog today while browsing through lookbook and i’m already in love. christina really knows how to rock a mini dress with over the knee socks. and she’s got the cutest pair of vintage coach buckle oxfords. i seriously need to get myself a pair like that!

dear beatrice: the daylight eludes me
i’ve been appreciating all of the outfits over at dear beatrice lately, but this week i was perfectly smitten with the classic pairing of knee high socks with those adorable t-strap flats and beautiful vintage-inspired dress that she scored at anthropologie on sale for only $40!

style like u: twisted classic – the khaki pant – day 2
i’ve been really enjoying the twisted classics over at on of my favorite style blogs, style like u. you might be familiar with the site for publishing video interviews with fashionable people. it’s the kind of site that sucks me in every time i visit, and i find myself entranced by the wardrobes and personalities of all the people on the site. but this week, i was head over heels for the cool and easy styling of these khaki pants!

esther from the sticks: rainy day sailor fun
i discovered this beautiful photograph after rosemud posted it on her tumblr, and i just had to post it this week because not only am i bike hunting, but i’m obsessed with sailor collars. and well, this lady has composed the perfect picture with both of these!


  1. Thank you for doing these blog favorites. I always find at least two new blogs to follow and the photos are always great inspiration.

  2. great list, thanks for sharing!
    i am in love with trop rouge's style and blog… so naturally pretty and simple yet stylish. love it.

  3. I was thinking the same thing when I saw A Thought is the Blossom's photoshoot with her friends! I so want to gather up people to do a photoshoot like that – next time we get together, I'm going to bring my film camera and take some of you. That sounds creepy but I'm sure you know what I mean.

  4. these are great, i particularly love the second girl – this kind of post is perfect because it spreads the word about other blogs!

    well done, your blog is amazing :)


  5. how sweet of you to do a post like this, spreading the love here in the blog world. thanks for sharing my blog with your readers. :) i love the other ladies you featured too. i just fell in love with dear beatrice last week, so it's nice to see her getting the attention she deserves. she has some of the cutest looks out there!

  6. thanks for introducing me to a thought is the blossom! i am in love with her photos and outfits!


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