
calivintage in asterisk magazine

calivintage in asterisk magazine

today i wanted to take a moment to show you one of my most recent features in the new san francisco lifestyle magazine, asterisk. fyi: when you click the link, you wont see my photo right away; you’ll have to change to the next page to get there. anyway, i was contacted by jt over at the sf style about the feature a while back, and i gladly met up with him and dyanna for a fun little shoot in a local bookshop in russian hill. i actually did a post with some of the outtakes from the shoot, which can be found here. you’ll also notice that he also contacted some of the other awesome blogger ladies currently residing in the bay area, and i have to say, i am delighted to be featured with such a dynamic crew of great people. so check it out!

and if you live in the bay area, there are print copies available in many local bookshops. i still haven’t snagged a copy for myself, but here is a list of places where you can find it.

calivintage in asterisk magazine


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