
frequently asked questions


just stopping in for a moment to let you know about a new section on the calivintage blog. i now have a frequently asked questions page. i took the liberty of answering the questions that i receive in my inbox and comments section the most often, but i am sure i’ve left some important things out. please feel free to ask any questions you’d like to see added to the page in the comments below. it’s always good to know what you wanna know!

additionally, since i’m not hip to the whole formspring thing, i’m gonna do this the old-fashioned way: i’d also like to answer any of your less frequently asked questions as well! so go ahead, ask me anything. in the comments section below.


  1. Well that was pretty informative!
    Turns out we're pretty much the same size, even in shoes. If it wasn't for this damn atlantic ocean I'd be in your wardrobe right now.

  2. Thanks for the faqs! I have another question–what kind of camera do you use? Your pictures always look so great!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Erin! I have a couple questions. One is, can you suggest some fun, affordable vintage and thrift shops for those of us who live in the Bay Area? And, do you have any tips that can help when thrift shopping?
    Ok, I have a few more . . . Do you have tips on how to push one's personal style forward for those of us who might second guess our choices or be a little intimidated to try new, out of the ordinary pieces? What do you do when you buy a piece online and it doesn't fit quite right?
    There, I think I'm done. thanks :)

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