link roundup

melanie likes: the almighty zeus
i cheated a bit because this particular outfit isn’t from this past week, but it slipped through the cracks that week and i wanted to give it a mention! i am in love with melanie’s super cool styling. this is a perfect spring transitional outfit with a pretty pastel dress layered underneath a tweed coat. superb!

kelly shoestrings: etsy update!
this is another outfit i pulled from the archives, but i only just recently discovered this awesome blog. kelly is an etsy seller, so this particular romper was up for sale in her shop a couple of weeks ago. i know, i know, it’s a shame that it already sold, but at least we get to appreciate her cool styling complete with a pretty pink rose headband.

blushing ambition: rain, really?
i’m quite a fan of annabel’s lovely blog and her darling duffel coat that she found at a thrift shop! i feel a little bit bad that there wasn’t a shot of her pretty face in this particular post, but i do really love the way she paired her navy coat with cream, tan, and that perfect shade of mustard tights. i really admire her minimalistic approach to dressing and design.

style hurricane: N.O.L.G.O.*
this is another blog i only recently discovered, and i was smitten the moment i saw her super cool and casual outfit. to top things off, she found both the jacket and the shorts at the thrift shop!

all this happiness: secret spring
kater is definitely ready for spring in this perfect ensemble with a pretty pink dress and mustard cardigan. the color combination is so fresh and fun. a great look to sport while browsing the aisles at a local antique shop!

off of broadway: tweeted

here’s an outfit from an other blog i’ve just recently found. amanda has been killing it lately in her awesome ensembles. this week, i liked everything she wore, but was particularly enamored of the way she wore those vintage riding boots with high rise skinny jeans. perfection.


  1. thank you so much for doing these link roundups. you are definitely helping feed this newlyfound fashion addiction i have. :) thank you (again)!

  2. Hey Erin!

    Guess what? I ADORE YOU. Just sayin'.

    Also, thank you for the lovely mention! :>


  3. Awwww thank you thank you thank you! I was so giddy when my lovely friend "Avalonne" told me I was featured on your link roundup post… I've been enjoying your blog immensely lately and I am flattered by your kind words. Will definitely mention you on my next post!

    Much love,

  4. Oh my such cool looks. I wanted to pick my fav, then I realised I love all and can't decide! Thanks for sharing! Think they will inspire many others (like me!)

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