my statement piece


nope, i’m not talking about the dress. today it is all about my brand new haircut! i am very excited to share the results of my excellent salon experience last night with shannon at revamp salon in san francisco. i am telling you, if you live in the area or are coming in on a trip, you must book an appointment. and they are not paying me to say that. i just really love the cuts that shannon gives me. and in honor of the new cut, i decided to keep it simple with the styling in my little mod dress, but it’s gonna be tons of fun styling outfits with the new ‘do. it’s amazing how a cut can completely change the way you dress, and i love having my hairs short because it gives me more room to wear high collars and puff sleeves and all those pretty little details that i love so much.

anyway, we’re cutting my hair in stages so we can have fun trying different looks. we really didn’t take off too much hair for the first stage, but it’s definitely a nice change. after this, we might try something even more vidal sassoon. shannon mentioned that he’s always wanted to do the classic five point cut. i don’t know if we’ll do that exactly, but it’s gonna be fun to try more angular looks before taking it all the way up to a pixie cut this summer. ah, getting my hair cut is so much fun.

vintage dress, american rag cie (warning: the site plays music)
t-strap flats, urban outfitters



  1. erin, i absolutely adore it! the first picture, in particular, is incredible. i can't wait to see where you go with the hair and your whole look. i'm excited to see what you've got in store.

  2. I also love getting my hair cut! The cut really makes your eyes pop. I like it! I had a pixie once, too. Looking forward to seeing that look in the summer.

  3. wow you are so brave to try out this hair cut but it works on you. it looks great with that dress too. very mod.

  4. You look so cute in this outfit! I love the dress and the hair! I can't wait to see what other styles you try out!

  5. Oh Em GEE I LOVE IT!!!! You look like a pretty pixie already, I can't wait to see you after the pixie haircut.
    You definitely have the face to pull this off. It is funny, I was looking through your archives the other day and I saw photos of you with long hair and at first I didn't even recognize you.
    I love that you can pull off so many different hairstyles.


  6. I don't know if it is the new hair or the dress, but the whole look feels very Zooey Deschanel (read: it's pretty awesome!)

  7. your hair looks amazing!! I love the eye make up too! You look unique and fabulous! Hey, you tweeted about a Claritin before bed too help with puffy eyes. Does it help? I am suffering and my eyes are taking a toll and I take Zyrtec, but nothing changes and I wake up so tired! I need advice!

  8. You look like you're part of the Beatles, it's great! Your eyes are popping! I did the bowlcut, I think it was my favorite cut, because it was so weird! I miss my bowlcut! I only sported it for 2 months and it grew out and I just got a pixie again! I didn't even get enough photos of the bowlcut, sad face. Can't wait to see you with a pixie!

  9. i recently cut seven inches of hair off, and i was JUST twittering about how it made me change the way i want to dress! haha. judging by your hair, this shannon MUST be a genius like you say.

  10. Erin, I absolutely love your new hair cut! Totally fabulous, and your make up, dress, everything is flawless! Lovely!

  11. oh erin why do you have to be so gosh darn amazing. i love the peter pan collar and your new cut!

  12. You are sooo flippin' cute lady! Great choice of haircut, you always manage to pick super iconic looks. Fitting, because you definitely have iconic style!

  13. You look adorable! Are those shoes comfy? I think they're so cute and I've been thinking about buying a pair…

  14. I love the fact that you cut your hair a lot , i also like to experiment now it's very very short, shorter than yours and love it besides t's so comftable, can't wait to see the final result of your experiment

  15. your hair is uber adorable and i can't wait to see when it gets to its last stage: the pixie (it's what i've been donning and rockin' for close to two years now and i love, love, love it!)

  16. Very cute! It fits your face perfectly. Not everyone can pull off a look like that. Consider yourself lucky.

  17. I really do think you can pull off any haircut! I love how '60s it is and I love the super '60s eye makeup too. :)

  18. I love it! I love it! I love it!
    along with the makeup, I think it really lights up your face.

  19. Amazing, just awesome. You make me want to get an edgy cut (or just a cut in general would be an improvement!)

  20. Omgosh I knew you'd go for something edgy but I didn't think it would be this fierce! It looks PERFECT on you! I just love the 60's feel of this whole look. And I'm excited to see more haircuts! <333

  21. Adorable! I'm going to live vicariously through your haircut if that's ok…I could never pull it off!

  22. Your hair looks adorable! But seriously, did you have any doubts that it wouldn't? I love how you did your eye make-up with it. So throwback and classic-sexy!

  23. Nothing is more of a statement than a haircut. Sitting down in that chair, watching your stylist work his magic, and looking in the mirror the first time post-cut and really loving what you see (cause he perfectly captured just what you wanted) is the best feeling ever! Your haircut looks super cute by the way (and I love your dress!)

  24. I LOVE your bowl cut! It looks perfect on you! And I totally need to invest in a sweater shaver. Thanks for the tip. :)

  25. Oh my gosh your hair is so cute! You're making me want to cut all of mine off, but I know I couldn't pull it off. It suits you so well!

  26. i ladore having short hair! it's so much fun! i just recently started growing mine out into a short bob, but i had a very short twiggy kind of cut. trust me, it's super fun!!

  27. so true, hair is such an integral part to styling, i realised that after seeing a few too many flaws in my photos that it was definitely my hair ruining it for the rest of the outfit…. love the new do!

  28. I adore your new haircut! I must confess since I'm such a fan of your outfits on chictopia, I've followed your haircuts and you pretty much look great with long hair, shorter hair, and your new shortest cut… it looks amazing. brings out your eyes! ok, I'll stop gushing about it.

    with love,

  29. ah, your hair cut looks absolutely adorable! how i wish i could have a style like this, well done :)

    gary pepper vintage.

  30. love your haircuts they look so good on you.
    I'm also longing to cut my hair this week, do you have some inspiring images, ideas of the pixie cut you are going to do this summer ? Maybe you'll do a post on them, I think we all would love to see who/what inspires you for your haircuts !

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