spring picks and an interview

calivintage modcloth blogger of the moment

today, i am happy to announce that i am the current modcloth blogger of the moment! in addition to a nice little interview over at the modcloth blog, i was asked to select my favorite items from the shop. it was quite fun browsing through the catalog on a window shopping spree, and i found quite a few fun, vintage inspired pieces to incorporate into your wardrobe this spring.

so head on over to the modcloth blog to read some of my tips for bloggers and to find out some of the things i do when i’m not online. or if you’re just in the mood for shopping, check out the calivintage picks! included is the calivintage dress, one of my absolute favorite dresses from the spring 2010 dear creatures collection! don’t worry, that will be making it’s appearance on the blog later today…

calivintage modcloth blogger of the moment spring picks


  1. Congrats! Your namesake dress fits your style perfectly. Great picks, too. I have been eying the black bow tee for a little while now.

  2. Very cool! And lucky you, getting such a great dress named after you. Can't wait to see it on you.

  3. Rad! I love that Seaside dress…I remember thinking the same thing when I saw your post with it! Reminds me of Margot Tenenbaum. LOVE :)

  4. Oh My Goodness! What a beautiful dress! It seems to fit you like a glove. Congratulations on your claim to ModCloth Fame!

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