blog favorites april 2

calivintage blog favorites april 2
le metamorphoses d’alice: dreaminggirls up
one of my favorites this week and i wish i could tell you more about it, but unfortunately my google translator did not help me make sense of this post. all i know is that i am in love with this outfit, whoever the designer and whoever the girl. perhaps my french friends can clear it up for me!

fashion forestry: hats and hearts
i’ve been following this lovely lady for quite some time. she has the most eclectic collection of vintage hats, accessories, clothes, shoes, you name it. i seriously want her to take me shopping or to design me some pretty dresses. if you aren’t familiar with her blog, you must take a peek at her extraordinary ensembles.

the velvet bird: white dress, wardrobe wednesdays, and zooey
i can’t believe i hadn’t been following her blog until now! anja posted this dress on tumblr the other day and i was instantly in love. she actually altered a much larger vintage dress and transformed it into the most adorable white spring mini dress. i really wish she was selling it, because it would be mine in a heartbeat, but instead i will admire it from afar.

on the racks: spring in my step
i recently discovered this blog, which is actually written by another local girl in san francisco. i love this fun and quirky ensemble she put together, with the perfect vintage topper! the colors and textures are absolutely divine. i’m definitely going to be watching this one from now on!

vintagevirgin: accessories
another recent discovery, this girl has some bold style. i love how she pulled together all of these fun elements into a perfectly wearable style. she’s got a hat, a bow, knee socks, and pigtails, yet it’s not over the top. i’m definitely going to be taking style tips from this lovely lady.

hannah and landon: cult salad snacks
another favorite, i am very pleased to see that hannah has started an online vintage shop. i have had my eye on so many of her incredible vintage finds, that i’m beyond excited to see that some of those pieces might make their way into her new etsy shop. and doesn’t she look absolutely beautiful in those pale blue stripes?


  1. I think there's a theme of headgear/hats this week. Did you do that on purpose?

    Nice to see another fellow San Franciscan :-)

  2. Hey! Thats me! I feel very honored to be among your favorites, and in very good company too! Thank you so much. Maybe I will just have to try and (attempt to!) make a pattern from that dress to sell.

    And oh gosh, hannah and landon is possibly one of the prettiest blogs ever.

  3. Thanks so much for the shout-out, Erin! Love the new haircut. I've been a fan of calivintage for some time now and it's quite an honor to be featured among this stylish group of your favorites. What a fantastic start to the weekend!

    Being that we're both in the SF area, let me know if you ever want to meet up for drinks and talk shop (no pun intended). I'm sure we could exchange a few fashion tips along the way!

    Thanks again!


  4. hey thank you sooo much for recogonizing my vintage craziness. i love your blog like 10 times more now! i feel kinda honored!

  5. good photos and selection! i love all and of course, i love vintage clothes!! you blog is fantastic!!



  6. what a pleasant surprise to come home from easter weekend and see! thanks lady!

    ps. you new hair looks AMAZING! it's such a lovely cut on you!

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