cheery chums

calivintage polka dot dress

ah! i have to tell you about my evening ordeal: last night, i wore this outfit to a little fashion blogger tweet-up in san francisco where i had the honor of speaking on a panel with some really lovely bloggers. but the real drama starts when i got home later in the evening. while i was driving home, i got a text message from my boyfriend that read, “my cell is dying. home by 1130.” no biggie, that meant i had the apartment to myself for the evening to relax and enjoy a glass of wine. i pulled up to the apartment at around 9:45 and immediately realized that i had forgotten my keys. crisis! i had no idea where my bf was or who he was with and i had no way of contacting him. i tried my luck texting a few of our friends but got no response. so yeah, i drove to the store, bought myself some necessities and parked myself in the driveway, drowning my sorrows in a bottle of corona and a jumbo sized bag of chips. my boyfriend arrived past midnight. weee!

let’s just say i wasn’t too pleased, and i had a good cry when i finally got in because it just felt awful, and apparently i needed it. but despite my evening ordeal, i woke up this morning bright and early feeling happy and energized. this was partially fueled by the sun shinning and the birds chirping. and i had a ton of fun on the rooftop taking pictures today (which is why there are more than usual). there was a gentle breeze that added movement to my flouncy polka dot dress and it just made me feel happy sitting up there with my boyfriend out in the sun.

so i’m in a good mood now and i really like my outfit for today (and i wore it last night, too. whatevs.) it feels like the perfect outfit to wear while hunting for treasures at the flea market, which is perfectly fitting considering that i got it from we move vintage, which is an online shop based out of l.a. that also has a booth at the rose bowl flea market. i’ve said this before, but aren’t polka dots so cheery? and in keeping with the theme, i thought it was nice to pair it with this super comfy cardigan. it has really long sleeves with little holes for your thumbs to peek through.

sweater: fabray cardigan courtesy of modcloth
dress: vintage polka dot dress from we move vintage
belt: urban outfitters
tights: target
shoes: vintage nine west boots from vintageless beauty on etsy
sunglasses: ray-ban wayfarers

calivintage polka dot dresscalivintage polka dot dresscalivintage polka dot dresscalivintage polka dot dresscalivintage polka dot dresscalivintage polka dot dresscalivintage polka dot dresscalivintage polka dot dress


  1. Your dress reminds me of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. I'm not saying you look like a hooker but I am saying that it reminds me of outfit she wears to the polo match!

    Oh Erin, I have definitely had those nights where I just drown myself in beer and cheetos and have a good cry. My friend Juli always says, "Tears are a gift." And I believe her. Sometimes the best gift you can receive is just a good cry.

  2. why does that sound exactly like something that would happen to me…that sucks! but mmm…a corona sounds good (is it bad to say that at 3pm. well, It's been a long week!)

    I love the dress. agree slightly with the Pretty Woman thing but I'm pretty sure just the brown with white polka dots connection, that is, unless you're moonlighting and we don't know about it. ;)

  3. At least you were wearing a super cute outfit when that happened and I'm glad to hear you've been having a great day ^.^ I love the details on the ankle booties!

  4. the SAME thing happened to me a couple of weekends ago. I was locked out of my boyfriends apartment (left my phone in the house while I took my dog for a walk) and once I got back to the gate I realised what I had done! No phone! No keys!! No idea when my boyfriend would be home!! So, I just sat outside of the apartment and felt wave after wave of self pity, frustration, and general craptasticness wash over me.

    When he finally showed up I burst into tears!! I didn't mean to… it just came! I was so embarassed that I had to go hide in the bathroom while I pulled myself together.

    Good times.

    At least you had a cute dress and some corona to keep you company!

  5. oh man, I locked myself out on Monday, but being that I'm on a college campus we have a key depot. getting chips and a beer is the way to go

    love the dress, but I especially love the boots

  6. I want this entire look! Also, I totally agree with Alyson about the "Pretty Woman" comment – exact same pattern. Adorable!

  7. The dress is adorable, but the cardigan is just sooo lovely! Lovely pictures.

    A bag of chips and a bottle of Corona do seem like the perfect solution to being locked out!

  8. Love that dress–polka dots are always so perfect! :)

    You poor thing… Being unable to get into the house sounds like something I would do (though I wouldn't have thought to go to the store to stock up on something to drown my sorrows in… must keep this in mind just in case! rofl). :p At least today was a brighter day! :)

    ♥ Casey
    blog |

  9. Crazy! something similar happened to me the other day when my bf left me at his house and as I was leaving and locking up, his key was nowhere to be found as it had fallen off my keychain! and he has one of those doors that cannot be locked from the inside so I kind of freaked out! I had to pretend to close it and went to my car. Luckily the key was actually in there and I was able to close up. It's a scary feeling!

  10. I love this outfit so much! The frilly-ness on the cardigan is such a great detail. And I love polka dots with brown!

  11. pretty woman!!! i was wondering the whole time where i've seen a dress like that. you look so great in this outfit. i really love the dress with that ruffled cardigan. so dainty. glad that you woke up cheery today. i would've been a mess if i locked myself out of my house.

  12. This is one of my favorite outfits I've seen in awhile. It's so simple, yet so chic and cheerful. And I love love loveeee your shoes!!!

  13. That dress is so cute with that cardigan! Those shoes are exquisite, too. Sometimes, even the best of us have tears in our beers. : ) Nothing makes ME cry easier than stress, too!

  14. so cute. you make me want to wear dresses more often.

    every time i see the bright blue of sky in the bg of your photos, my heart melts a little because it's a reminder of how much i love our california sunshine…and summer is approaching. YAY!

  15. Oh, surprise! I had a pair of shoes just like yours when I was a teenager (mine were beige though).

    oh, I know how you felt…you feel so powerless :(

    I love your blog!

  16. oh man. i remember lusting for boots exactly like that (maybe even those same ones?) when i was in 4th grade. 1994ish. wow. i want them again.

  17. eff! erin, your outfits are constantly such a great combination of cute and gorgeous, i love this skirt and cardi!

    ahhh i hate that kind of practicality-induced drama! i once got locked INTO my boyfriend's apartment for an entire day – i definitely had to refrain from becoming psycho-snoopy-girlfriend… don't worry, i refrained. it was worth it.

    keep it up!

  18. Hi darling, you look beautiful and classic in that outfit and I'm sorry about locking yourself out! I do it all the time. The worst was when I left my keys to my apartment in Iowa in my parent's house in New York!! When the taxi dropped me off at my apartment I realized with horror that I didn't have my keys, and my boyfriend whom I live with, who had the extra set of keys was in France in one month.

    I wanted to throw myself at every moving car that drove past my house while I was sitting on my porch feeling glum for myself! I ended up having my landlord come over with a spare key and had to have my mom Fedex my keys to me the next morning. It was awful and I understand your pain!

    xo Jenny

  19. This is such a great dress! There might not be anything more cheery or wonderful than wearing an amazing polka dot dress.

  20. Beautiful dress, and the outfit as a whole is just fantastic. Sorry to hear about your traumatic evening, but at least you woke up cheery the next day :)


  21. Cute outfit, polka dots are so fun.

    Really sucks about the keys, I had a similar thing happen to me not that long ago and I too had to have a big cry about it.

  22. So sweet! The colour and the polka dots also remind me of Pretty Woman, heh. I need some simple sweet dresses like this..

    Think I would have cried too! So frustrating being locked out…

  23. Man, getting locked out of your house is the worst. The last time this happened to me, my boyfriend (now ex) was on tour in Europe and I ended up borrowing a ladder from my neighbor so I could climb on the roof and break in through the attic. It's amazing how much determination one can have when seriously pissed off. Glad you had booze and junk food to sustain you til your much needed sob fest!

  24. Aw, your story is so sad! I'm glad it turned out okay in the end, and that your Corona cheered you up a bit. :)

    I am madly in love with those shoes; they go perfectly with this darling dress!

  25. The styling of this is just divine. I love the black with the brown, the polka dots with the ruffles…just perfect.

  26. I love that dress! The combination of the black and brown and cream are just MAKING it for me. haha I'm in love with this outfit – simple and comfy but still girly and fun and chic. ahhhh the ultimate baaalance! haha

  27. Wow! I'm just discovering your blog, and it's so cool!!!
    I especially love these brown boots. I'm gonna try to get me some! :)

  28. I WANT THOSE BOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm waiting for mine to come back from the tailor and I'm feeling terribly nostalgic right now.

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