coffee run

i’ve recently been making an effort to record more of my daily life with photos (along with the help of my very sweet boyfriend photographer). i often forget to bring my camera with me when i go places, and even when i do, i usually forget to use it. but i’m trying to expand some of the imagery you might find on my blog in hopes of showing you a bit more about my life and surroundings.
these photos were snapped on saturday morning. my sleepyhead boyfriend and i woke up quite early and decided to take a stroll over to piedmont avenue for some coffee. remember when i said i wore that same basic outfit all weekend? i wasn’t kidding!

(you can click the images to enlarge)


  1. I've never been to Oakland, with the exception of the airport, but it looks like a charming place, kind of reminds me of Portland with all the lush green scenery ^.^ and I love your little "E" pin!

  2. you look amaze'n!.. even in your everyday wear.

    and ugh, if i could pull off your haircut, i'd do it in a minute.


  3. Aw man SPRING! You should do a coffee run all the way up to Portland and have some Stumptown coffee. Also, I love wearing the same outfit all weekend long. It just feels so right, haha.

  4. Your life and surroundings look sweet – in every sense of the word! (?) Hope the coffee was good.

  5. I love these kinds of posts, natural and lovely and simple outfits on beautiful East Bay streets. More of these please!

    xo Jenny

  6. How cool.. your bf is your photographer :) My brother and four of my friends are, but all of them live in another state!! Bummer. Great photos, by the way!

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