lace and eyelet

calivintage lace and eyelet marc jacobs

after spending my weekend out in the woods, i had to wear something completely different today. something delicate, like lace and eyelet in pale pastels, perfect for keeping all neat and tidy on a shopping day. i recently ordered this marc by marc jacobs jacket on final sale at gilt groupe. and if you’ve ever shopped the site, then you know the frenzy of refreshing your screen at exactly 9am to pounce on your favorite items before they all disappear into someone else’s shopping cart. then, if you’re lucky enough to get what you want into your cart, you have but mere minutes before you commit to the purchase or else it’s gone forever. ok, i’m being dramatic, but they definitely do a good job of making it feel very dire. anyway, i managed to get this baby into my cart, and i felt quite proud of myself.

on a completely different note, do you ever feel like you need to match your hair color to your outfits? i’m a big fan of wearing pastels lately, but i just can’t bring myself to go all the way with every single piece being such a light color because i have dark brown hair. i always feel the need to anchor it with at least one dark item in my wardrobe. it usually ends up being the shoes or some other accessory. i guess that’s just my slippery slope with dark colors in general.

marc by marc jacobs jacket, gilt groupe
vintage eyelet dress, thrifted
210 denier tights, tabio
velvet flats, payless
vintage coach doctor bag
rayban wayfarers
nails, no miss in boynton beach blue

calivintage lace and eyelet marc jacobscalivintage lace and eyelet marc jacobscalivintage lace and eyelet marc jacobscalivintage lace and eyelet marc jacobs
calivintage lace and eyelet marc jacobs


  1. Gilt so super addictive. I have been able to withhold my impulsive wants until yesterday. I just couldn't pass up on such pretty Cynthia Rowley tights!

  2. That jacket is so wonderful. I almost hate being a member of Gilt Groupe since the sales look so fantastic yet they do not ship to Canada.. sigh

  3. delicate is exactly what comes to mind! It's funny though, I was thinking the light colors looked great with you fabulous hair – but I guess I get your point. The shoes and the bag help the balance.

  4. I love your jacket! Such pretty colors here. I actually really like the light outfit with your dark hair – such great contrast!

  5. SUCH a cute cut Erin! It looks so perfect on you, especially with this adorable mod-ish ensemble!

  6. This outfit is so amazing! I just love the colors and your haircut is so flattering on you. Having red hair I am always aware of what colors I wear when I dress and I try to make sure some part of my outfit matches my hair!

  7. Im still smitten about your hair..I dont think I will ever get over it. This outfit is so lovely..I love those tights and the color your nails! x

  8. I totally have to anchor my light-color outfits with something darker to balance out my hair.

    I LOVE the soft light colors and fabrics in this, though. So wonderful!

  9. That jacket is money! It looks wonderful and very classy.

    I never thought about the hair thing. Then again, my hair is pretty much white.

  10. I try to keep to a very neutral palette. I like to contrast my hair with what I'm wearing. I've been loving light beiges and creams; I guess that goes with my highlights. haha.

  11. Looking so mod! Love it! I need a doctor bag! I saw these really stunning doctor bags when I was in Hong Kong, but they were like 200 bucks each?! I have a thing for bags, but good quality leather bags can be expensive. Can you suggest any places in Bay Area for affordable leather goods please?

  12. I am loving the new haircut so much, I cannot tell :)
    I must say neutrals look great on you, stop worring so much about matching everything.

  13. This is the complete opposite from hanging out in the woods. It is lacey and lightly colored!


  14. Wow I haven't been here in a while. Your hair looks so wonderful! so does your outfit, as always. Love that jacket.

    Do you know what's weird? I actually have the opposite problem, I have very light blonde hair and I don't want to wear only pastels because then I feel like I'm looking dull and bland. I try to never wear outfit that match my hair. And I really like your dark hair with light colours!

  15. this outfit so perfect for spring!

    i'm a blonde, so i dont really have any colors that anchor my outfits … except maybe yellow!

  16. As a redhead, I really don't ever try to coordinate my hair color to my outfits, but I will say that I've noticed lately how dark my wardrobe is. This outfit is definitely serving as a source of inspiration for me to lighten up.

  17. Oh my god I dont think I've met anyone else that has ever agreed with me on hair matching outfits! I work retail and am always telling people to buy items because of how well it matches their hair! They usually think I'm crazy. I think it's a key factor in an outfit.

  18. love this look on you! OH and I totally adore your hair much more than the previous style!!

  19. you are just the loveliest lady ever! your haircut is beautiful and it makes your eyes (your whole face, really) look fantastic! love your blog and tumblr.
    x anna

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