ok, i couldn’t contain myself. i was going to wait until sunday to show you my new haircut when i did my regularly scheduled outfit post, but i just had to show you my new hairs. bear with me, it’s a little self indulgent because it’s just a bunch of pictures of my face. but i’m excited because i had only intended to go in for a little trim because i could no longer see past my fringe, but i came out with a completely new style that’s going to work so well with all of the little 60’s dresses i’ve been collecting for the spring.
as always, this cut was the work of my favoritest hairstylist in the whole wide world, shannon at revamp salon in san francisco. the best part is that he is also my pal, so after the cut, we went out for delicious vegan sausages and chocolate stout at a bar nearby. pretty sweet deal if you ask me!
much better
Looks fabulous!
you're really making me want to cut my hair off again!
you look absolutely lovely :)
I love that you titled this "new hairs." I always say that when I get a hair cut! It looks adorable. I really love your eyeliner here, too.
very cute!!
I love it! It really suits you. :]
Yay! You look stunning! I love that we're psychic hair friends. I'm coming to your area in the near future. We should meet up for lunch or something! I'll send you an email.
SO cute! Love the choppiness!
I think its awesome how you are constantly changing your hair.Its very brave,and also interesting to watch.This shannon person seems a genuis.
Sofie ^^
Oh WOW! When you said you were going shorter, I wasn't sure but it looks absolutely fantastic! Such a cute little 'do. Love to see it all zhushed up one day.
oh wow. you look so gorgeous!!!! i think you could seriously pull off any haircut, this one looks so beautiful!
i was actually looking through your old chictopia posts recently and watched as your hair went from super long to now this amazing pixie cut! i love it erin! i remember when you were so hesitant to chop it all off and i'm so glad you did! this definitely suits your face and i cannot wait to see how this changes the way you dress! :)
WOW. This looks so amazing on you! You definitely have the eyes and face for short cuts!
wow it look amazing! now im wanting to chop my hair again! love
Looks lovely! You're following the same way I got to my hair, shorter and shorter! I've got a short back and sides now with a mess on top :)
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Oh wow! Very cute !
Suits you to a T! drop dead gorgeous!
Totally mod and gorgeous, love it! Enjoy it!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
oh my gosh LOVES. it's like a sexier version of that parisian fw pic i sent u, i think it's a little sleeker and messier at the same time. so cute.
xo holier
This is so good. You look like a 60's pixie.
this is the exact haircut I've been planning to get!
so so cute! love it
So great :)))))
you look great, this works perfectly with your face shape! and will go well with the warmer weather
it looks so wonderful!
lovelove, M.
PERFECT! You inspire me daily.
Looks great!
Ummm you look FABULOUS.
And you take as many photos of your face as you want. Perfection.
Love it! This new hair cut makes your eyes pop!
OMG I love your new haircut! You look so much cuter now!
i love your hair!!!
NOICE. are you using new product with this style…surf spray maybe?
It's amazing Erin. Having major hair envy right now.
Lulu Letty
Oh, Erin! I LOVE it! The fringe is so perfect!
ah! so pretty, little pixie, this is my favorite hair cut of yours
soo cute! :) i love all the different hairstyles you adopt…you pull them all off really well AND make them your own.
Love your new haircut!! It's so pretty and delicate :)
i freakin love that hair cut. it's like the perfect look for you.
I love the new do. It is inspiring.
You look so incredibly glam!! Love the new cut.
GORGEOUS. Wish I could pull off something like this.
Nice, fresh, Spring look! Supa cute!
I love the new haircut! It reminds me of Peter Pan in a very very very good way! I am also a huge shapeshifter when it comes to my hair. I think I've had about every style possible…but I always seem to stick with shorter hair:)
The magic of pixiedust!
I love that even though your hair is short, you still find great new things to do with it. That is a gift, my friend!
So wonderfully cute!
Your hair looks great! It's so mod! I love it!
absolutely love your look
Very cute! Suits you well :) Makes me want to get a new haircut too..
Fab cut! A little reminiscent of young Liza Minnelli, very chic!
Fantastic! you look absolutely cool! i love your new hairstyle!!
good pics and post!!
LOVE IT! Wish I could pull that off!!
-Jane @ Brunch at the Beach
oh you look fab!
i'm following you.
if you'd like follow me too.
fabolous haircut, suited you perfectly:)
Aww *_*
So cool!!
I like it!
Aaack! I love it! It makes your eyes look humongous and awesome!
you pretty thing you. love it.
oh my gosh, it's gorgeous! I've been dying to cut off all my hair lately… I LOVE yours!
Wow. You know I didn't think I could like a haircut more than I did your last one, but you know what? I do. This one is amazing, fresh, beautifully shaped and sets off your sweet face to perfection. Indulge away, Calivintage, indulge away.
Oh my god, so gorgeous! I've been wanting to go back to pixie hair, but I've been feeling sentimental about my super-long hair. LOVE IT!
Your hair just keeps getting more and more awesome! Love this look on you.
Looks great! I have been toying with the idea of chopping my locks off and donating them. I had short/medium length hair for soooo long, I have kind of fallen in love with my long hair. I think I'll wait until I cannot take the heat this summer, and chop it off then.
it looks so good on you!
Adorable! And great eyeliner.
SO pretty! And great eyelining.
I love your hair I love how you and Katie of Kansas Couture have gotten such fab pixie cuts.
It's beautiful! The choppy cut looks great on you!
Love the makeup too.
you're too much, too hot and I adore you for it!!! YOu go Calivintage!!!! love the new hair cut!
It is fantastic.. You are such a trend setter, I love it.
luv ur new hair cut
visit mine and leaves some comments
if u dont mid,,we can exchange link and follow each other..
Yay for new hair! I got a haircut too :) Hehe! I needed to shape my mop! It was pretty ewww. Haha :) Can't wait to see your spring dresses!
Real nice! Even love the little touch of eyeliner.
Love the cut! So great on you! Just found your blog and love it. Check out mine if you ever have a chance.
i just have a very similar hair cut last week! YAY for short hair!
and i love your blog!
love the new hair! so cute! :)
your hair cut looks amazing! i have been thinking of cutting my off and i think i might just do that now :)
Très jolie coupe de cheveux !
I love love love this! I've been growing my hair out from a pixie cut, and I'm thinking this would be a great cut to help me transition into longer hair! I love the choppiness and the layers! It frames your face gorgeously!! As always, thanks for the inspiration! :)
Cette nouvelle coupe te vas à ravir ! So cute ^^