
street style saturday

calivintage street style saturday
urban weeds: tessa on se 29
i just discovered this cool street style blog based out of portland, oregon after diane posted it on her tumblr. gotta love a cute girl with impeccable style and a nice peter stigter: in the navy
this is susan cernek of glamour magazine. i actually had the pleasure of meeting her way back last year during the weardrobe conference, so i always like seeing her pop up on street style sites. i love her classic stripes with khaki pants and the perfect navy coat.

trendycrew: stripes & dots, paris
with the arrival of spring, i can’t seem to get enough stripes. and i just love the pairing of stripes and polka dots with warm and cozy stockings!

the sartorialist: ada, paris
this is pretty much perfection. doesn’t she look like she walked right off the set of a photo shoot? so perfectly cool and casual.

facehunter: london – soho
always and forever obsessed with capes and capelets. this is such an easy, wearable ensemble with skinny jeans and the perfect flat boots.

facehunter: london – rebecca, broadway market
i’m a sucker for brown and blue lately. this is a simple outfit, but she adds a perfect amount of quirkiness with the white socks and classic flats.


  1. urban weeds is amazing! im always looking at it. ill be in portland in like 2 months so im hoping to see my face on that site soon! weeeeeeeee!!

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