the vintage addiction

now, before you get too worked up, i’ll have you know that these are not recent purchases. these are just a few of the dresses that have caught my eye on etsy lately, but that either didn’t fit or else sold before i mustered up the strength to click the “commit to buy” button. and i thought it might be a good way to illustrate two points: one, i have an etsy addiction and i spend entirely too much time browsing through hundreds of vintage dresses, sweaters, shoes, and accessories. and two, this is an example of how challenging vintage shopping can be!

i’ve gotten quite a few questions asking how i manage to find great vintage clothes. it’s always a difficult question for me to answer because there isn’t really a good answer for it. all i can say is that it takes dedication and the willingness to dig through piles and piles and racks and racks of clothes at vintage and thrift shops. or else a daily obsession with checking all of the new etsy or ebay listings, reviewing the measurements and squinting at the computer screen trying to tell if that spot you see is a shadow or a stain. and it means finding an awful lot of amazing, mind-blowing, life-altering pieces that just aren’t your size.

so now, if you haven’t already been bit by the vintage bug, you’re probably wondering how it’s worth it. it kinda sounds miserable, no? but that’s the thing. if you’re anything like me, then you know the exhilaration of digging up a beautiful gem at the bottom of a pile of weird paisley polyester maxi dresses at an estate sale on a saturday morning at 6am. it’s the thrill of the hunt and that tiny inkling that you might come across the holy grail of vintage, no matter how many times you’ve walked away from a sale empty handed.

go look: baby blue dress from oldage, pink floral mini from littlebeevintage, yellow lace mini from croatiavintage, white eyelet dress from deargolden, raspberry dress from raspberrymacaroon, chambray dress from santokivintage


  1. I'm addicted to etsy too ~.^ all these dresses are so pretty! so want! they're just a bit out of my price range when it comes to buying vintage :(

  2. ahh i've been bitten by the vintage bug a while ago! but there are no thrift stores anywhere around my area! so…when i go up to SF later this year, we can go to estate sales at 6am together and leave our men snorin ;] hehe! i've just recently made my first etsy purchase ever, and i think this could be super detrimental to my wallet since it's so convenient having vintage goods online :)

  3. love them! peter pan collars oh my. im definitely into the treasure hunting aspect of vintage shopping. going into an hm these days is just too easy to be fun!

  4. Oh my goodness I have my own etsy and I am always browsing other shops not to help perfect my own shop but because I can't stop window shopping what others have! And I totally agree with everything you say – I love the "dig" and I think that's why my etsy is a lucrative way to feed my vintage cravings.. if it doesn't fit me, or isn't quite my style, but I think it's amazing, I can pass it along to someone who it does fit and it does fit into their fashion sense! And I still get the satisfaction of digging through a pile of not so great to find a "gem"

  5. I love trailing for vintage. It's definitely the best way to spend afternoons and weekends. I have a few problems with the sizes, as i'm an american size 6 but 5ft'10inches tall. So If you have any suggestions for me it would be amazing for your help


  6. You are totally right. The amount of time I spend on Etsy/ Ebay a day is ridiculous. I enjoy it so much but it's painful to exercise self control… I want so many things on that site!

    Anyhow, your vintage picks are always amazing.

  7. i would attribute my vintage addiction to diane from darling darling…and then i found your blog and soo many other people's blog. i started noticing that people's blogs had their etsy stores, then i became addicted to etsy. it's been a downward spiral since then. i recently discovered the biggest thriftstore i have ever seen in my entire life and then i said to myself "That's it, I'm selling on etsy."

    in conclusion, i want to thank you for having one of the best blogs out there and for being true to yourself and style. a real inspiration. :)

  8. Im giving away this little black dress, that i designed, on my blog.. you should go and comment; i think it would look great on you!

  9. I wholeheartedly agree with that last paragraph, I hate coming home empty handed after so much hope, but then I like finding things without meaning to. Some of my favourite pieces are vintage and I always try and pick up vintage bags and belts as I prefer them. I might go on an expedition this weekend….

  10. What a perfect post–I've been on a vintage kick lately and this inspires me to keep at it. But yes, I've already run into a billion pieces that are amazing but not my size or otherwise not quite right and it is tough to let them go!

  11. Such great picks!

    I love scouring ebay and etsy for vintage items, or neighborhood vintage and secondhand shops. It is always like a treasure hunt – so satisfying to find the perfect item!

  12. I too have an Etsy addiction. I'm too broke to spend any money on my addiction, but I definitely spend a lot of time on it! Sometimes I feel a little guilty for it, like I should be working or doing something else productive, but sometimes you've just gotta do something for yourself, you know?

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