bikes for your budget

calivintage cycle chic budget bike guide

after kicking off my first cycle chic saturday post last week, i got a lot of requests for recommendations on stylish bicycles that are also affordable. surely, you can get a pretty bike for $1,000 or more, but are there any options out there for those of us on a budget?

one of the best ways to get a good deal on a bike is to search for something used or vintage. it does take a bit of hunting to find the right model and size, but it’s a surefire way to get the most bang for you buck. it also requires a bit of studying up on bike maintenance basics so that you know what to look for to assure that you’re getting something quality and ready to ride. since the topic of hunting for used/vintage bikes could take up it’s own blog post, i’ve decided to focus on new bikes at affordable price points for today. and for the sake of fashion, i’m also focusing on bikes with step through or mixte frames with more upright geometry. road bikes are nice, but they’re going to pose more sartorial challenges than the options shown here.

just keep in mind that when buying new, you are always going to have to pay a considerably higher price for what you get, so hopefully you wont be too upset when you see the prices. and i know there are more options than what i’ve shown here, but these are my personal top picks for the most fashionably designed bikes clocking in at under $1,000.

linus bikes: dutchi and mixte models, starting at $399
starting with our most affordable option, this small company based out of venice, ca offers a dutch style frame as either a single speed model or with a 3-speed internal hub. or, if you prefer, they also have a 3-speed mixte with a rear rack, which i like quite a bit.

republic bikes: dutch, starting at $399
republic bikes offers customization options to let you choose the colors of the frame, saddle, grips, chain case, tires, and skirt so you can build up something as subtle or flashy as you like. but be aware that these bikes only come in a single speed and weigh 40lbs, so this is definitely a better option for cruising about in very flat areas like at the beach.

electra bikes: ticino models, starting at around $550
these stunning bikes come in a larger range of speeds than any of the other bikes in this post. starting with 7 and going all the way up to 20 speeds with an aluminum frame, they’re probably the most lightweight and functional option, especially for those of you living in hilly terrains like san francisco, but you will have to pay extra for more gears.

raleigh: roadster classic, around $520
from the company best known for their classic vintage roadsters made in england, comes this updated version of a timeless standby. the ladies model comes with an internal 3-speed hub, great for a nice weekend ride around town.

globe cycles: live mixtes starting at $580
a more mass-produced bicycle owned by the parent-company, specialized, you can expect to get a solid bike at a very affordable price point. this mixte bike comes in either a single speed or 8-speed model with a matching front basket rack to tote around your purse and other goodies.

bowery lane bicycles: breukelen, starting at $695
based out of new york, bowery lane bicycles offer this simple black bike in both a single speed or 3-speed model with a rack and a cute wooden crate for carrying your flea market finds.

a black bike: starting at $950
another company based out of nyc, this model clocks in at $950, barely making the cut for today’s post. this classic dutch style bike comes in a single speed or 3-speed version with a battery powered lamp for riding in style at night.


  1. yeah i've been on the search for a cute dutch-inspired bike, but they're so pricey. i think i'm gonna have to buckle down and pay the extra price; there's something to be said for the quality as well. :) great post!!

  2. I have to say that I absolutely love my Electra, she is more of a beach cruiser style but I wanted a road/mtn. mix for my bike. I love the vintage look of all of these bikes and want one of each please.

    Also, thinking we need to put together some type of fashion blogger cycle trip sometime.

  3. cute cute bikes! i'm a fixed gear rider but have been thinking about investing in a geared bike for longer, more hill ridden rides. love your picks!

  4. uhhh you can find stuff for under 100 bucks on craigs list, that's how I got my vintage 10 speed which works like a beauty. And my old blue 3 speed which was amazing as well, until it was stolen :(

    but yeah you can get 10 speed and 3 speed beach cruisers and things for under 150 anywhere, sorry hon' but these bikes are still way too pricey.

    craigs list and dick's sporting goods are the best place to go!

  5. hehe, yes i know! i wrote a whole paragraph how you can get a much better deal on a used/vintage bike! i got my vintage raleigh on craigslist, but that's for another post! ;)

  6. these bikes are amazing, every single one of 'em!!!
    thanks for the post, extremely useful! especially when you're trying to find a bike that's under a grand :)

  7. Gorgeous! I have been looking at different vintage-inspired bikes and your post came just in time! Thank you for the information. I love them all.

  8. I just bought a raleigh ladies cruiser and i love it. the only disadvantage is that it is kind of heavy and since i live in an apartment its a pain to lug up the stairs. on the plus side, i'll get killer guns.

  9. I got my bike at a thrift store and my sweet wonderful boyfriend replaced the tubes and tires on it. Very amazing. I am thinking about painting it though. It was only $40 and its a little heavy… but I like it none the less.

  10. these are so rad! i love the all cream bike. i got a used road bike for $250, and i've been riding it for going on three years now! personally, i like light bikes with high bars- cruisers are cute but so dang heavy. do people ride fixies in san fran? might be crazy with all those hills. also, you should do a post on bike accessories! i've been wanting a basket or saddle bags or something, but have yet to come across anything i like..

  11. Wow. I LOVE these bikes. I'm not able to afford a nice one at the moment, but I love drooling at pictures of my dream bikes.

  12. I will keep this fantastic post at the top of my list…ready for when I get myself a pretty bike!

  13. I've actually been bike shopping this week, as my own was washed away in the recent flooding we had in Nashville. I was looking at Linus bikes, too. Thanks for posting this.

  14. I love the turquoise lunus..I am in need of a new bike, the one I used to ride was vintage and a little small, but I loved it. Thanks for sharing! :)

    Style and the City

  15. i have a suggestion…maybe you can post some outfit ideas for biking around the city and still look stylin…ala copenhagen. loove that city! :)

  16. I would never spend more than $300 on a bike (my beautiful shwinn was $50), no matter how gorgeous it is. I'd rather save for a Vespa which is $1400 here! Have you seen those organizations that if you send a small sum of money, you can provide a whole family with bikes. for instance World Vision has where you give $200, it provides bikes to 10 needy families in other countries like in Africa where they can use the bike for deliveries and to make it to far distance jobs faster. I think I would rather provide 10 families with bikes than get myself a $500 bicycle because it looks pretty. . .but I am really humanitarian-minded rather than materialisticly minded, so I just can't fathom spending all that money for myself when there are people who can hardly afford to eat for a day. :: sigh :: sorry. . I do love your bike entries and all, I just guess my mindset is much different from the majority of others.

  17. those bikes are great!

    i am loyal to road/track bikes though! i think they can be customized to look very stylish, and prettier pre-built ones are showing up more and more each day.

    this blog is one of my favorites and filled with beautiful road/track bikes pictures.

  18. thanks for this post… i really need to get a lightweight bike to tackle that hill i live on..while my '68 schwinn can technically make it, the thing is built like a tank.

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