hello kitty

ok, ok, i said i was going to resist the urge to spam you with kitty pictures, but i had to give you guys a proper introduction! and also, showing you these photos will give you the most accurate portrayal of what yesterday and this morning have been like: no time for work, it’s kitty time all the time!but this is mostly due to the fact that she was belligerently drunk post-op and has been a rather surly handful. she was mewing constantly and falling all over the place, jumping up onto the couch only to tumble back off from a lack of balance. and unfortunately for kitty, she cannot resist the urge to lick her stitches, so we had to give her a fancy collar! you can image how much a cat might dislike having a giant plastic hat tied to her head. it’s been exhausting to say the least!but i did manage to snap just a few pictures of her this morning. we take off the collar when we know we can keep an eye on her so she can go about her way without tripping around on it. but at night, we keep it on so we can sleep! this is what she looked like when she greeted me this morning in her fashionable blue collar. a very grumpy cat indeed!

now i just need to think of a name! my boyfriend has been calling her gremlin. let’s just say, i’m open to suggestions!


  1. aw, how cute! that first photo is just precious :)

    i wish i could have name suggestions, but i'm pretty bad with names!

  2. What a darling little kitty! We have one with the same coloring: tortoise-shell and green eyes.

  3. Yes! Gremlin could be best friends with my Gizmo. Also, adorable creature. I felt like when we got Gizmo I was up all hours of the night, just like I'd be with a baby. I know it's not the same, but I love him like a little fur child.


  4. She is so pretty. My parents got a kitten that looks very similar to yours, and I was really gunning for them to name her Butterscotch because of her coloring and because I would always say it looked like she dipped her paw butterscotch! So that's my name suggestion! SO cute!!

  5. Awwwww. I love kitty spam! Before I learned that cats make me itch, I had one named Whiskers. You can take it if you like, I don't think anyone else has used it before.

  6. I have to agree with sarah louise and justice pirate makes me laugh as my sister caled her little girl kitten tallulah! The boy was going ot be Geronimo. She is gorgeous but I think you might get stuck with Gremlin – if it fits it usually sticks which is why I am the proud owner of fatty, roughcat and skinny! (they were originally tizi, tishka and sapphire…) Hope you enjoy her she's gorgeous!
    http:// littleroominthenorth.blogspot.com

  7. aww i wish i was a cat person because kittens are the most adorable things ever…. if he was mine itd be kitty time, all the time too.

  8. i love that it looks like the kitty is wearing a little capelet. I suggest naming it Gremmy (short for Gremlin).

  9. Love her! We have two tortoise shell kittens and named them Indica and Sativa. These type of cats are sooo loving.

  10. aw she is so cute!

    I am terrible with names, if it was a boy I'd suggest Oscar (like my sister's cat!). but my boyfriend's cat is a girl and her name is Isis! :)

  11. CUTE!!! She is the same kind of kitty as my cat, who I never got to see as a kitten, so I am going to live that through your photos! Our cat's name is 56, dalas let her pick her own name by typing it on a keyboard, haha.

  12. I have to agree that people names and food names are my favorite!! I have Otis, Lucy, Rosie and Taters. I LOVE the names Cookie and Waffles. And Petunia. And Milquetoast. I want another just to name it haha!

  13. She is so cute! I always find it hard to think of names for pets! There are french nicknames for cats (of both genders) that are names one uses for basically any cat you see, that I always thought that I would like to name a kitty. Minou for a boy, but for this little one Minette is the girl option

  14. Oh I love her! So cute! What about Astrid? I always thought that was a cute name for a girl calico kitty.

    Let me know if you need any kitten advice. They can surely be a handful!

  15. i actually quite like the blue collar. although i can imagine the kitty doesn't. it makes me think of when minnie mouse would put a bow on figaro… :)

  16. How cute! I keep hoping that I will grow completely out of my cat allergy so I can get a kitten but it has yet to happen.

  17. shut up with this sweet little thing! she is too cute!!

    PS: gremlin is a good nickname but she needs something pretty for a real name. you could always call her "Cali" ;)

  18. I actually squealed when I saw these photos, she's just adorable!

    Our current cat is called Mipsy, I have no idea why, but 12 year old me clearly thought it was a good idea to saddle her with that. She also answers to Moo, which isn't any better. Before that we had a little boy called Smudge. Clearly need to sort my pet-naming skills out.

    How about Tabitha the tabby cat?

  19. Kate comes to mind, after the stubborn lead character in Kiss Me Kate/Taming of the Shrew.
    I bet she has a large stubborn streak, 'cause of how cute she is. Supremely cute kitties know how to wrap their humans around their little paws.
    She is a darling girl, and I think she wears that blue plastic shield quite beautifully. :)

  20. oh my freaking goodness, she's sooo cute! My mom has a cat who looks very similar that we named Maizy (because her marking were the color of indian corn). Anytime you need to dork out on cats, let me know (I'm secretly a cat lady)

  21. Oh my gosh! That is one of the cutest kittens I've ever seen! She's adorable! My cat's name is Velvet. Good luck coming up with a name.

  22. She is gorgeous, poor little thing with her collor, my cat would go crazy with that on. She looks like my friends cat called Middy. Feel free to use that name if you like it.

  23. I've always given my cats names they could NEVER live up to.. musicians, argentinian football players, writers.. etc..

    I'll name my next cat after a ceasar.. 'aureliano' 'julius' 'crasus'


  24. haha aw my boyfriend would call a kitty gremlin too… she is so pretty! Like, what a gorgeous cat! And her little collar/hat thing is so funny. Poor thing. I don't know if you like real person names or kitty names but I thought of something pretty – Bianca, Persephone, Chloe, Quinny (like quinn, but with a y cause she's a kitt-y) Gita (short for tortugita, which is little turtle in spanish.. cause she's kind of a tortoise shell, ish?) ummmm yeah I don't know i love kitties so happy you have one now! =) I'm sure you're having fun.

  25. Thanks for spamming us with cat pics, she is so adorable. If she was mine I would name her Lilly.

  26. So, so cute!!! I'm no good with pet names (my previous bunny rabbit was named "Daisy"… until we found out it was really a he, and my current bunny came from the shelter with a name already ;)–but I dare say you're getting enough suggestions already. ;)

    ♥ Casey
    blog | elegantmusings.com

  27. agh!!!! TOO CUTE!

    you could name her Harper (we were gonna name our kitty harper after harper lee, but she already had a nice name)

  28. i definitely agree with sarah louise – quirky human names for pets are the best (my fish's name is Rodney, a friend named his bird Sid). but for a little lady kitty i do love the parisian inspired names like audrey and pascale and marienne…

  29. Kitty!! So cute!! One of my kitties actually loved her disc collar thing when she was a baby, so we ended up getting her a collar with a big purple bow and she still loves it!

  30. P.S. I like the name Paloma for kitties. That's what I named one of my virtual kitties on my DS. Yes, I am a huge nerd. But that doesn't change the fact that the name Paloma rocks.

  31. oh poor thing!!
    i always thought Coco vas a great name for a cat, anyway, im still not able to have one.


  32. Your new kitty looks remarkably like my kitty Mortimurrr. She is adorable! Congratulations on the new addition! My boyfriend calls ours a gremlin. I think maybe it's a tortoise shell thing, I don't know.

  33. Yay kitties! I'm a fan, so spam me with kitty pictures all you want. My animals have always had human names (my dog is Harper, my cat Oliver/Ollie), so I'm going to suggest Sophia/Sophie for this little gal!

  34. Congratulations on your kitty! She is quite the cutie =]

    As for names, I really like looking up name meanings to go with the animals personality.
    Ari- Hebrew for Lion.
    I also like Eris. And the suggestion for Astrid is a good one too!

  35. I used to have a cat that looked very similar to yours, she was named squirrel. I thought the name was very fitting, she came to me already named, but I'm a big fan of naming pets after other animals so it was perfect. Congrats on a cute new baby, cats are so much fun! Feel free to steal the name if you like it! :)

  36. Your kitten is so cute!! I had a cat who looked very similar to yours!! I can't help but take pictures of my cats, they're just so photogenic! =)

  37. sld;akfjsa;dlfjksad;lj

    AWWWWWWWW. i want to steal her!!!
    i like gremlin. or rascal. or food names. like… peanutbutter. biscuit. oats. also gizmo.
    my cat (okay, at my parents house, sorta doesnt count anymore) is also a tortoise shell.

  38. Haha aww the cutest pictures EVER. Congratulations on your new addition, hope she feels better soon! xx

  39. PS – I always think really human names are hilarious for cats. Eg. Katie, Emma, Bridget etc. My brother named his Scorpion Dominic. Then it escaped from its cage into the house. Whole other story…

  40. AWWWWWW!!!! I am so jealous. I wish we could have a kitty. We have coyotes & raccoons, & I refuse to trap a cat inside so I have to settle for internet photos of cats. :( What a cute baby!!

  41. How precious. Now if this a girl kitty some names could be Josie, (Joise and the PUSSYCAT dolls) haha, Sugar, Poppy, Darlin, Dawn, muffin, crayon, tuffy, lacey. Ha, i have a lot. A boy or girl name could be Picklejuice. Of course thats just a humorous name, not to be taken seriously. But she could have some cute nicknames witht hat one. If it's a boy: Smokey, Crayon, Tuffy, Tigger, Ace, Bogart, Bomber, Boris, DaVinci, Itzy. If you need more go to

    http://www.facts-about-cats.com/unique-cat-names-male.aspx or http://www.facts-about-cats.com/unique-cat-names-female.aspx

    Hope that helped. Sorry it was so overwhelming

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