
the bee’s knees

after seeing a number of different examples of interestingly adorned tights, i have finally decided to embark on my very own little d.i.y. tights project! over the past several months, i’ve come across a few exceptional examples of really creative tights that have inspired me to finally try them out for myself. i find myself particularly enamored with decorated knees, either painted or appliqued as shown in the examples above. i won’t tell you my plans just yet, for fear of jinxing myself, but i promise to show them off in upcoming outfit posts! until then, i will leave you with my inspiration:

from top left, miss ukon spring 2010 lookbook, the clothes horse, vintage photograph (i will give you a cookie if you can find me the source!), style bubble, and cocorosa.


  1. I've seen the orange tights with eyes is a the Stockholm shop that sells also Cheap Monday (;

  2. I remember those eyelash tights from susie's blog. So great. Looking forward to seeing your project!

  3. I love the eyelashes tights. Ugh my shortness prevents me from wearing really cute things because it adds to making me look 10 years younger, but I love them. I saw both Susie Bubble and Fred Butler wearing them on their blogs.

    Can't wait to see what you do!

  4. I can't wait! I love creative tights and it never occurred to me to diy some of my own. I love the vintage image too– where did you find it exactly. that would be a big help in tracking down a source.

  5. I'm curious! I love those knee-tights too! But I'm scared to make an effort for tights because I'm so clumbsy I will most likely rip them the moment I put them on!

  6. Awesome. I'm thinking of painting a pair of white tights or knee high socks for summer. DIY fun times… Xxxc

  7. I've been thinking of trying this trend out too, I especially love the eyelashes!

    You are always telling me about the best things, this is why I love your blog!

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