outfit favorites june 12

stylesightings: london style, simply chic…
i love the neutral dress paired with a wide belt, perfect red shoes, and that amazing haircut. she’s also reminding me to match my lip color to my shoes more often!

hoy fashion: liverpool, bold street
i love the way she paired the black and mesh with a pale floral and balanced it all out perfectly with brown shoes. definitely a good tip when you don’t want to look too precious in a floral print.

heart city vintage: outfit post
i’ve really been enjoying all of hannah’s outfit posts lately. she’s always got perfectly casual and wearable pieces, but she’s never boring. i love the beautiful colors on her floral skirt and the length has got me rethinking my need for mini skirts all the time. very well done!

nast: georgia, london
i like the fun print on her casual dress and the way she paired it with a very understated turban and black accessories. and she’s reminded me that i still have yet to try pairing socks with flats!

hoy fashion: liverpool, church street
ok, where can i find myself a killer pair of trousers in the perfect shade of baby blue? the color of her pants just takes the whole outfit up several notches. this is another reason why i need to remember to try more color!

melanie likes: angst
i’m a huge fan of all of melanie’s outfits. she has such a super cool way of pulling together all of her items with fun accessories and a bright lip color. and she makes me miss southern california, too!


  1. i love the whole left side from top to bottom. i really enjoy this feature on your blog. thank you!

  2. you did a good job with your blog :)
    i will visit u as soon as i can again.

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  3. Just wanted to say that I always look forward to your weekly favorites and comments!!! I'm always finding a new idea/look in the bunch. ;)

    ♥ Casey
    blog | elegantmusings.com

  4. You always have good picks! My favorite is Melanie Likes, very cute!

    xoxo Ari


  5. #4 is killing me. I have nee trying turban tutorials online all week, and always end up looking like brett michaels. :( Life can be so unfair sometimes.

  6. I really need to try out the turban look. AND WOW the polka dot dress with nude heels, vintage cat eye sunnies, and a smoking red lip – WOW!!!!


  7. love love love hannah of heart city vintage!

    the gal on the bottom left is absolutely adorable! those pants are awesome and i love her haircut.

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