
russian river

it seems as though the weather gods finally heard us all complaining about the constant rain and chilly temperatures, because this weekend the temperature spiked up over 90 degrees in these parts, sending all of the city kids into a bit of a panic. my facebook and twitter feeds were filled with comments from san francisco kids admitting that perhaps we prefer our typical fair weather over these souring temperatures. so i went on a little trip up to the russian river for some lazy sunday times with a few friends. living in northern california means that even though we have beaches, the water can be quite chilly even when it’s 90 degrees outside, but there are plenty of rivers and lakes where we can all run off to on the weekends for a bit of swimming.

so for this particular adventure, we headed off about an hour north to enjoy the day laying in the sun at the russian river. apparently we weren’t the only people with this same idea as evidenced by the sheer number of people filling up in the banks in every possible spot around the area with a constant flow of passers by in inner tubes and on rafts floating down stream. but despite the crowds, we had plenty of fun laying in the sun, skipping rocks, and wading in the river.

the man from behind the camera came out for a little cameo. this is my elusive partner, brendan.


  1. I don't believe I've ever been to Russian River – are there campsites available near by? I keep saying how much I'd love to go camping one weekend this summer – it's time to make it happen!

    OH and the guy in the innertube is making me jealous!! It's so nice out and I'd love to be doing that right now instead of being stuck behind a desk :(


  2. the closest thing we have in Las Vegas is Lake Mead…but I've had reservations about going there ever since they found dead bodies in it a few years ago :-/

  3. oh, that looks like so much fun. love your little head scarf too! it's nice to see pics of a normal, fun, friendy day.

  4. ahhh that looks refreshing. It's supposed to be 100 degrees today and I'm def going to take over at my parents pool. Yessss.

  5. Aw that looks perfect. As do you!
    My boyfriend just took a sudden interest in style blogs over my shoulder at the sight of you in a bikini there. FML. I apologise for my perverted partner.

  6. I grew up in northern cali and used to frequent the russian river. my dad's best friend has a house out there so that is where we spent alot of our time. But since you are in the east bay…a little place we like to frequent is called Cull Canyon in Castro Valley…it is pretty sweet there :)


  7. The weather's definitely warming up in California. I'm adding the river to my list of places to explore :)


  8. Looks like a fun weekend! And Brendan is a cutey. My bf is also camera shy, and always pulls a ridiculous face in pictures.

  9. River days are the best. I spend lots of my free time in canoes and rafts, enjoying lazy Sundays during the Summer months myself.

  10. you guys look like you're having so much fun! there's a place in tennessee called rock island with biiiig cliffs for jumping and a river to lazy around in. this entry makes me want to there asap.

  11. You actually drink PBR? I lve you, and your clothes.. and I realize that having a similar style to you makes me kind of a hipster.. but actually? cliche much?

  12. michelle: yep! there are plenty of public and private campgrounds all along the russian river. i think i'll be there for the 4th of july, too!

    rosemaryx: i don't think we were at a campsite. we just pulled off to the side of the road just outside of guerneville!

    cb: thanks for the tip on cull canyon. i think i've now made it my mission to check out all of the public swimming spots in the east bay!

    ishabitforming: haha! no worries because if you must know, i was actually drinking whiskey and ginger ale. but to each his own! ;)

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