cherry on top

i had a lot of fun today in my vintage-inspired outfit! what i find so great about these pieces is that they are all new items, but they were all inspired by styles from the past. the nice thing about vintage reproductions and vintage-inspired styles, is that you’ll always be able to find your size! oh, how many times i have found the perfect vintage dress or the most amazing vintage shoes, only to discover that they will not fit! or else the condition is such that i can only reserve those special pieces to be worn on the rarest of occasions. this dress is particularly nice because it is made of a sturdy 100% cotton, so it’s something that i can wash and wear over and over again. and the pretty puff sleeves and sweet floral and cherry print on this dress remind me of styles from the 1940’s, so i thought it would be fun to pair it with my reproduction 1940’s platform heels. and of course, the best way to top off such a cheerful outfit is with the cherry on top: my favorite bright red boater hat.

and in other news, i am excited to announce that this time tomorrow, i will be in new york! i’m only going to be around for wednesday and thursday, but if you want to meet up, let me know! or if you want to give me any recommendations, i’m all ears! i read the forecast and apparently it’s going to be 80 degrees with thunderstorms. i have yet to figure out exactly how to dress for such weather, but i’ll do my best!

hat: the last straw hat in ruby
dress: with flying florals dress courtesy of modcloth
it’s currently out of stock, but you can sign up to be notified when they get more!
shoes: remix vintage shoes ‘rita’ reproduction 1940’s platforms


  1. You have a really cute blog! I followed you :) And p.s. I have discovered many new blogs thanks to your tumblr!

    take care, s

  2. I love this entire vintage inspired look. The dress is perfect and I can never get enough of that red boater hat!
    Have fun in New York! I'll admit, I'm a bit jealous since I haven't been able to venture off from the West Coast this summer at all!

  3. you should hang out with mel from idee geniale! you two are both so awsesome, so you are bound to have fun together!

  4. I love this dress. So beautiful expecially with that hat! Great look.

  5. I LOVE the vintage-inspired look you have here! The cherry on top is the best part, in this case especially!

    I may not be in NY, but I know how hot and humid it can be further east. I definitely recommend breezy clothes– you'd not want to wear anything constricting like pants! Have fun. :)

    Toast with Charmalade

  6. It is always a huge shame when you buy a dress that you think will fit and it doesn't I feel your pain. It has happened many-a-time to me. :(

    This is gorgeous!!!

  7. I love that dress! It's so cute, and you're absolutely right about how it's nice to be able to buy something vintage-inspired straight off the rack! Vintage shopping is completely a treasure hunt, so it can always go well or terribly, which is sometimes very disappointing.

    Ce qui m'inspire

  8. If you have time head over to the Met – they have a current exhibit entitled "American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity". Two of the featured items are cycling suits from 1896, perfect for one of your bicycling posts! Travel safe!

  9. That hat is so darling! In fact, this whole outfit is pretty much fantastic, imho! ;)

    Have fun in NY!!!!

    ♥ Casey
    blog |

  10. I hear you about vintage clothing sizes!! Although, I end up purchasing exceptional vintage pieces not my size anyway then just figure out a way of resizing them (either through my own shaky-hand tailoring or just through pins and other non-permanent methods).

    I so love that dress and the red hat you combined with it! <3

    Have fun in NY!

  11. I love this outfit! You look great! I love how you paired it with that hat! Have a great time in New York (my home town!) I was just there last week!

  12. PRETTY! i love the colors & the print! and it looks long enough to pass the teacher test … hmmmmm *contemplating* … :)

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