summer capes

back in the winter, my mom sent me a couple of blanket capes to keep me warm. it kinda got me feeling a little bit cape obsessed, and then during nyfw, i discovered that rebecca of the clothes horse was also feeling the frenzy in an adorable knit cape very similar to this one! i had seen a few here and there, but opted not to get one because i knew that the weather would change and they just seemed so wintery. but when this vintage knit cape came up in a swap with the delightful dozen, i decided i would give it a try, summer or not! and i’m really glad i did because the lightweight knit and flowy shape is actually the perfect way to keep warm as the sun begins to set, and the air gets a tad bit chilly.

it also gave me the perfect opportunity to try out my scalloped shorts for the first time! these have actually been hanging around my closet for a couple of weeks while i tried to figure out the best way to wear them. ever since chloe spring 2009, i’ve been wanting a pair of scalloped edge shorts, so i guess i’d built it up a lot in my mind! so i’m glad that i was able to pair them up with the scalloped hem on this lovely cape.on a side note, yesterday i was having a conversation with my boyfriend as to the origin of this cape. my first inclination is that it’s a scandinavian style pattern, but i’ve also seen other similar capes with more native american style and mexican style prints as well… it’s vintage with no tag, so i’m basically just guessing. anyway, regardless of the origin, it got me thinking about conversations i’ve been reading on blogs like threadbared about cultural appropriation. so i thought i would offer up that link with some suggested reading for your friday afternoon. always good to do a little research into the history/origin of our clothes!

cape: vintage cape from leproust vintage
top: thrifted vintage silk blouse
shorts: lucca couture scalloped shorts
belt: thrifted vintage woven belt
shoes: kork-ease wedges
sunglasses: ray-ban round wayfarers


  1. I really like capes, this one really suits you well and does not appear to heavy which means it wont be overly warm, yet keep you toasty!

  2. So many lovely scallops, you'd think that this was the sea! OK, bad pun aside… Those are some really cute shorts! I really dig how you matched a more formal button-up shirt with the tribal-esque cape. :)

    Toast with Charmalade

  3. love the cape with the scalloped shorts!! this looks so great. love how you put outfits together :)

  4. I've been thinking a lot about the conversations on cultural appropriation, especially too in light of the discussions around G20 protest and of how to identify an anarchist in Toronto, etc. And even watching the World Cup has got me thinking a lot about cultural appropriated clothing and ideas about native clothing (sometimes referred to as costume) and culturally appropriated trends. I wish I could sound smarter than I do right now!

    I also have a pair of scallop hem shorts that I've been wearing just about every day but so casually that I've not felt like photographing it. Maybe I'll do it this weekend. I love that you are wearing a summer cape with your shorts!

    xo Jenny

  5. i love those scalloped shorts!

    i havent quite gotten behind capes, but maybe when it cools down … it's in the 90s in my parts!

  6. i really wanted to see a little spurt-of-a-run shot (away from the edge of the roof, please!) with you and the cape…

    i love this outfit and must investigate how to get similar kicks, they are stellar.

  7. I love capes! I've been searching for a knitted cape for the longest time and etsy has a few, I've favorited them, hopefully I can purchase one of them soon! Your newly cropped pixie looks fantastic, it's nice to have a fresh cut for the summer! The scalloped shorts are fantastic!!!

  8. i wore capes as a kid and haven't done this look since – I am converted by you and your fabulous looks here!

  9. It's so hot here I don't think I could bear a cape, lovely though they may be. I love your scalloped shorts!

  10. Those short are amaazing! I love the whole outfit and that cape is just perfection. You gals always find the best vintage duds.

  11. as a reward for tipping you on the VS J. Simpson shoesies – can I have those shorts? ;) muahaha!


  12. I used to tie my hooded sweatshirt around my neck like a cape back when I was in high school. If only I had owned a lovely cape such as this. Great outfit. :)

  13. your scalloped shorts really hit a high-note for me. i love how you paired it with a buttoned up vintage blouse. i enjoy the reverse modesty of that look. you wear and model that vintage cape with panache.

  14. I love the cape, and the shorts are so so cute!

    I'm glad you posted that link on cultural appropriation. I was doing a lot of reading on it the other night, and I'm interested to know what you think about it. The whole hipsters dressing as Natives thing (with headdresses and face paint) kind of makes me feel awkward. It's an important topic that I think more people should take into consideration before mindlessly following trends. So, thank you for posting that! <3

  15. Erin! This outfit is amazing! I saw it in the DD flick set and I had to come right over and see the others. You look fantastic. ooh I love those scallop shorts!

  16. I'm so behind on my blog reading, but I want to let you know that I enjoyed this outfit a lot especially those scalloped shorts~!

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