bike tour, day 5

bike tour day 5i hope none of you were too worried that my updates of the bike tour disappeared for a few days. once we left monterey, there was very spotty internet access, so i wasn’t able to get online for the 3 days we spent riding through the big sur area. but today i am back in civilization, so the posts can resume!on the 5th day of the tour, we rode about 32 miles from monterey to big sur. it was incredibly beautiful because after so many cold and foggy days, the sun miraculously came out and the high in big sur hit 85 degrees! relatively cool for the summer, but definitely hot for a ride. but i hardly even noticed it with the ocean breeze behind me and the clear blue skies.

riding big sur is actually a pretty big challenge because there isn’t a shoulder on the highway for most of the stretch and there are tons of steep switchbacks to contend with and plenty of big trucks and rvs driving past. it can be a little stressful, but once you make it to the top of a lookout point with those expansive views of the oceans and cliffsides, you kinda forget about all of the cars and it just feels really good. haha, you can see i’m starting to get sappy, so i’ll just leave it at that and show you the pictures.

shorts: american apparel chambray shorts
tank: outlier ultrafine merino wool tank courtesy of outlier
shoes: jeffrey campbell oxfords courtesy of modcloth
gloves: giant crochet riding gloves
sunglasses: rayban round wayfarers
bike: surly long haul trucker
panniers: arkel grand touring

bike tour day 5
bike tour day 5
bike tour day 5
bike tour day 5
stopping for sammiches at a really beautiful lookout point.
bike tour day 5
bike tour day 5
brendan let me post his picture today! his set-up is pretty different than mine. having a trailer keeps the strain off your back tires if you have issues with breaking spokes. it works out pretty well for him.
bike tour day 5
ah, big sur.


  1. It looks beautiful! I went on a bike tour around a lake last year and it was amazing! Riding a bike makes me feel free! ;-)

  2. There's a really nice sleepy town near Big Sur called Morro Bay. Really chill vibe, great cafe….. most importantly there is a really great thrift store just off the main drag. Totally worth it…. if you any room!

    My CoCoon Vintage

  3. This is what I love about cycling! Big Sur is so beautiful and you look like you guys are having the best time. Keep it up!

  4. Oh wow, you guys are brave! That IS a narrow road with lots of curves. Not to mention the incline! I love Big Sur though. We used to camp there just up in the hills off this wacky, sketchy "road" near the gas station where they have the showers. :)

  5. This looks awesome!
    Maybe I'll be able to convice my man to go on a bike tour with me. I know he'd be down, but he's so fast I think he would leave me in the dust haha!

    Have fun on your trip! :)

  6. this place looks lovely. you've been on the road for a week now and you look immaculate. I love reading your posts always lots of fun and fashion XxX

  7. It looks breathtakingly beautiful! Thank you for sharing all these pictures, it must've been so much work when you've been tired out!

  8. How beautiful! Y'all look like you're having so much fun. This is so neat. Great post! Thanks for the update. :)


  9. You and the manfriend have big cojones! I always wondered about people who bike along Big Sur. It's scary enough just driving. Maybe one day I'll get the courage to do the same thing.

  10. you are very fashionable even while on your bike tour. that is really cool. Over here everyone just wears their spandex outfits of their sponsors when they ride. I never see people wearing anything interesting.

  11. it's so awesome to see someone who manages to be a serious cyclist and remain stylish! out of curiosity, when you wear normal shorts like the ones pictured in this post do you wear padded bike shorts underneath? do you have dny suggestions for bike shorts that work under normal shorts?

  12. Your bike trip looks amazing and somehow liberating. As a kid my friends and I would cycle around everywhere, without any particular goal :) Miss those cycling days! Also which someone hadn't stolen my bike a while ago… :(

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