bike tour, day 6

calivintage: bike trip day 6
well, i’m officially back from the bike trip, posting the last three days of coverage from the comfort of my own home instead of a campsite! i know i had originally told you that we had planned to ride all the way to the los angeles area on this ride, but our last minute planning of the trip meant that we may have overlooked a few details: like the fact that my school semester just started and brendan had to be back to work earlier than he thought! oh, how the summer has screeched to a halt. but i’m happy to have had the chance to be on the road as long as i was, and i really enjoyed touring the coast from half moon bay to san luis opisbo.
so these photos are from day six of our ride out of pfieffer big sur to kirk creek. it was another really hot day (which is unusual for that area, but lucky for us). i heard some passersby mention that the high for the day was up over 90 degrees! so yes, we were hot and tired and sweaty as we made our way up the 1,000 foot climb over big sur. but there was still a nice ocean breeze to cool us off when we got to the summits and the clear blue skies awarded us with more epic views. and at the end of the day, we got to stay in one of my favorite campsites at kirk creek. it’s a grassy site on a cliff overlooking the ocean with lots of little paths leading down to the beach below. and what luck, we got a perfect sunset to wrap up our day…

tank: outlier ultrafine merino wool tank courtesy of outlier
pants: women’s daily riding pants courtesy of outlier
sunglasses: rayban round wayfarers
bike: surly long haul trucker
panniers: arkel grand touring

calivintage: bike trip day 6

just a little climb.

calivintage: bike trip day 6
oh you know, just an epic view at big sur.
calivintage: bike trip day 6
excuse my dirty feets. just a little shot of my california tattoo….
calivintage: bike trip day 6
chillin with a beer at the kirk creek campsite after another good ride.
calivintage: bike trip day 6
this was our view as we ate dinner at our campsite in kirk creek. not bad, dude!


  1. i quite enjoy this. :) maybe someday ill be able to do this. i live in san luis obispo (yay for you riding all the way here!) so its not that far for me. ive been going hiking in big sur a lot. its a magical place!

  2. that's so funny, I was camping at Pfeiffer Big Sur this weekend, and we saw cyclists, and I though of you, not actually thinking it could be you!!! Did you see the zebras just south of Big Sur?? my husband about drove us off the road when we saw them….and the elephant seals?? I could go on for days…but really wow, small world…

  3. that third photos is incredible. How much you will cherish this trip and look back on it with such fondness.

  4. this is beautiful! I know I am a little late on commenting but what a gorgeous experience you and Brenden shared! I love your victory beer picture :) you deserve it!

    And god bless you for wearing a helmet. You are badass beyond words, girl.

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