
so i’m gonna come right out and say it: i didn’t take any outfit pictures and i was sort of at a loss for what to post today. it happens sometimes when life is busy and i’m feeling stressed and the weather is strange. and then i remembered that i’d been meaning to post some outtakes! a while back i did a post with some photos that just didn’t turn out, but they were just kinda artsy and weird. so i promised i would put up some silly photos, but then never got around to it! so here they are in all their glory. i’m sure i have tons more, but these are a few that caught my eye while going through the old photo archive. ok, i was actually going through the trash folder. that’s where the real gems are.
i know that i’m usually kinda serious in my typical photo shoots. i don’t know exactly why, i guess it’s because i want to put the focus on the clothing and not my face. i also have really crooked teeth, and while i’m not embarrassed by them in real life or anything, i somehow learned over the years to keep my mouth shut for pictures. anyway, people sometimes say that i look sad, or they ask me why i never smile. well, the answer is: i do smile. all the time. and i make a whole range of weird and funny faces. i also have a deep appreciation for physical humor, so i often make wild gesticulations in an attempt to be funny. so um, consider this to be the side of calivintage you’ve never seen before. enjoy!


  1. BAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA. You're EVEN cooler in my book than you were before. Shit this is funny.

  2. I lol'd! You are so awesome; I love how you're like, stepping over stone rubble and giving gang signs? Girl you rock.

  3. Haha! Amazing… best post ever. Even when you are making funny faces/doing silly things you still look cute. Not fair.

  4. Bwahaha! I LOVE these, so funny and cute. I would really love to see some more like this on the blog, you have such a goofy elegance :)

  5. Awesome!!! adorable.
    These make you even more personable than what you already are in your postings. Yay! Thanks for sharing

  6. thank the lord for opaque tights, eh? these were awesome! i'm way too scared to put up my outtakes. way to be brave and super cool!!!!

  7. these are extremely cute, I have a whole file of shots like these that I swore would never see the light of day… you're making me reconsider!

  8. Haha this is cool! Looks like so much fun, you are awesome, even in the outtakes :)
    P.S. I absolutely love the shirt you wera in the very first pic!

  9. Thank you for posting these pictures! So many other bloggers' outtakes are not in the least unflattering or funny. Thanks for humbling yourself so we could have a laugh! Awesome post!

  10. I commend you for doing this post. The humour and humility is appreciated. It's too easy for us unknown bloggers and blog readers to assume The Bloggers At The Top live the ultimate fashion life and don't suffer the 'candid' or 'less-than-perfect' moments. Thank you. And I'm in the same boat re: teeth. I don't have a hollywood smile and have trained myself to un-smile or smile-sans-teeth in photos too.

  11. i love that you posted these! haha i delete all my aweful/silly/eyesclosed/doofy photos as soon as i can grab the camera back. but i love the photo where your skirt flipped up and you are making the best face ever. take that marilyn!

  12. Hahahahahaa!!! The Clothes Horse just did a post like this, too. I love it. These are all amazing pictures, and definitely gave me a laugh! : D

  13. I looooove THIS! Damn these are funny and amazing and beautiful! Ha…love it!

    chloe **http://flowerponychloe.blogspot.com

  14. this post made me so happy! you are just so awesome. they are all my favorite! i know what you mean about the crooked teeth! i have the same problem. now i result to the MaryKate and Ashley sour pucker smile. lol

  15. hahahhahaha i laughed SO freaking hard at these :) you exude confidence and *you* in posting these outtakes! so wonderful

  16. ERIN! You are hilarious. It's comforting to know that some pictures you take aren't masterful works of amazing poses. I chuckled at this one, for sure.

  17. OMG! this is funny!
    once I happened to have a "wind moment! like yours, but you were lucky to have tights!! mine was in summer :O

  18. BAHA! Yessss finally we see the day when your dress flew up!! Hahaha. What a beautiful montage. Oh my God. Thank you so much for this post. Sooo good.

    nancy j

  19. This was fun to look through, for sure, thanks for posting and for keepin it real.
    You already are so friendly and accessible seeming in your blog, but this made you even more so!

  20. ahah! i love this post! You still look pretty, and it's refreshing to see more natural pictures! I love your usual posts though.

  21. Oh my goodness.. hilarious!! Of course you still look so cute in all of them. The funny jump faces are the best.

  22. some of these outtakes were hilarious. thanks for sharing and not taking yourself to seriously. i can also sympathize about the crooked teeth. like you, they don't bother me much in person, but a picture is worth a thousand words. in any case, i've just learned to grin and bear it when it comes to posting photos on my blog.


  23. oh my god, LOVE these. those inbetween moments and funny faces are my favorites when I go through outfit pics or pictures I've been taking at a friendly get together or party… so want to do this!

    PS – my fave is where you are like Tom Cruise MI walking from one side of your roof to another or something and then also where you are making that "blech" face! hahahh


    but omfg greatest post of life ;)

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