
people take pictures of the summer

this weekend, i made an effort to bring my camera with me on my usual excursions. for being a blogger, i can be really bad at remembering to even bring my camera, let alone take photos with it. but after documenting my weekend, i somehow feel better about what i did because i have something to remember it by. reminds me of that kinks song, “people take pictures of each other.”

anyway, this is just a little documentation of a walk to the mountain view cemetery with diane and brendan. we strolled through piedmont ave on the way and stopped in a book store where i got brendan a first edition copy of ghosts by paul auster. part of the new york trilogy. that little shop is cool because they have used books and antiques. you could even buy cowboy boots there. then we headed into the cemetery and found a spot with a good view to sit and talk and drink wine out of a water bottle.


  1. oh you guys always look like you're getting into mischief! wish i could have come along! and who knew even cemeteries have sprinklers??

  2. That looks like a great bookshop ”“ I love secondhand bookshops in general. Lovely dress too ”“ I like the way the sun shines through it.

  3. These pictures are gorgeous! I always mean to take my camera with me to more places, but I go everywhere last minute so I don't have a chance to grab it. :(

  4. Aw, you girls are so cute! I love this glimpse of your weekend with Diane. She's the greatest, and I love her sheer white dress. :)

  5. Great pictures :) I definitely should take pictures of my everyday life too.. I often have my camera with me when I go out, but no one to take the pictures of me and my friends, lol

  6. You are such a cat magnet. ( :

    I love how everywhere you go is so different. Different from each other and different from Oklahoma where i live. I am soooo moving.

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