the desert boot

last winter, i had a serious need for a pair of desert boots with heels. i had long been a fan of the classic clarks flats, but i was looking for something a little less clunky and a bit more fashion forward. unfortunately, my hunting turned up with a bunch of shoes that were either way out of my price range, or just out of stock! i wrote this post about the few shoes that i came up with back in january, but since then, i am amazed by the selection available for the upcoming fall season. there are so many to choose from that i’m having a hard time picking my absolute favorite and might even end up with two pairs. maybe a heel and a wedge in two different colors. so i thought i’d share with you some of the contenders.


  1. Seeing how I blew my summer shoe budget I will somehow have to get some sort of version of one of these…Christmas present request maybe?

  2. YES!! I know what you mean. I looked for something last year too and never found anything I wanted. Last weekend, I was shopping w/ my mom and came across a pair by FarylRobbin, which I hadn't heard of, on MEGA sale. Such a score. They are now happily waiting in my closet to be worn. :)

  3. I missed a killer sale on a pair because I was waffling on how much I liked the idea of heeled desert boots. They are deliciously odd, and I wish I had bought them!

  4. I got the Madewell ones in black and I must say, pretty much perfection. Will definitely be into these for the entire fall.

  5. I love of them! I like the Seychelles and Steve Madden Vaku ones best. I need to get a pair myself!

    I love of them!
    My shoe addiction is outta hand, lol.

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