meet me in the park

calivintage: blogger meetup
over the past couple of seasons, new york fashion week has become an increasingly popular event in the “blogosphere,” if you will. if you’re fortunate enough to wrangle yourself a ticket and a place to stay, then you can probably count on spending even more cash on attending conferences and taking expensive cab rides to various events! it’s certainly fun, but it can also be overwhelming, intimidating, and expensive! so it was quite nice that rebecca of the clothes horse got the idea to host a “renegade blogger meet up” during fashion week. true, you still had to be in new york to attend, but the idea was just to facilitate a time and space for bloggers to hang out and meet each other without all of the hype. and i must say, it was a nice break from the madness to just hang out in the grass and chat with some cool kids.
i headed out to the park with rebecca by my side and we were soon accompanied by a slew of bright young bloggers! i got to catch up with jessica of what i wore, which i try to make a tradition whenever i visit new york because she’s such a positive and inspirational blogger buddy! i also got to sit and chat with hannah and landon who were so delightfully friendly and down-to-earth that i wish i could have spent more time with them! and i met a lovely new blogger friend, emily of it girl rag doll who was sweet and pie and had the cutest new york accent! and of course, since we had a big bunch of red balloons, i had to take the opportunity to snap some silly photos with them. i only wish i had been better about snapping pictures of all of the rest of the lovely ladies who attended.
calivintage: blogger meetup
hannah and landon with their friend agnes.
calivintage: blogger meetup
rebecca of the clothes horse.
calivintage: blogger meetup
calivintage: blogger meetup


  1. I have been loving hearing about NYFW via all the bloggers who went – I get to live vicariously through you all.

    Hopefully next year or perhaps next season I'll be able to attend.

  2. i hate that i didnt go :( it sounds like everyone had so much fun! i mean like i had dreams that i was meeting bloggers – i was that upset about not going… le sigh.

    next year right!? and i need to get my butt to sf for the other blogger events.


  3. next time sandwiches for all! and i think its so funny you say i have a new york accent. i hope i didnt say laawng island!

  4. Rebecca is so smart to putting an event like this together…looks absolutely lovely darling, I love your shorts!!

    And thanks for the links to other bloggers who were in attendance! yay for new awesome blogs!

    now you just need to organize the west coast renegade meet-up! oxox

  5. It seems that this was the blogger meet-up of the year! I like your cute layered shorts… and Landon's sweater!

  6. Looks like you had the most amazing time. I wish I could just go to the park with about 5 red balloons and a few friends and not look like I just stepped out of an alien spaceship.

  7. i would really love to know where it girl rag doll's lipstick is from! what a great color.

    also, mad props to rebecca for organizing a blogger meet up with NO hype attached! i bet it was a wonderful time!

  8. I must say that reading all the US girls write ups of various blogger events, this is the one that has really appealed to me. A lovely way to meet like-minded folk. Someone hold one in London, please?

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