outfit favorites september 25

this week, my favorites ended up being a mix of light and dark. for your enjoyment:


  1. I enjoy your "favourites" post so much… even more this week you're featuring my blog-friend Queen B (third pic) shot by another friend, Alkisti of Streetgeist!

    she also has her own blog, http://queenkatbee.blogspot.com
    she's taking a sabbatical at the moment, but I'm sure she'll be back soon :)

  2. aghh.. gorgeous photos. I particularly love the first two, and the belted mens' shirt.

    This only cements my need for some great trousers or high waisted trouser shorts.



  3. i look forward to your outfit favorites day. not only do i enjoy the ones you pick, but i often find new blogs to visit too. this week, i ABSOLUTELY love streetgeist. those braids, the blazer and the adorable oxfords. i love all of it. thank you for picking it.

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