cycle chic sunday: sweet setup

after recently going on a short weekend bike ride from pleasanton to sacramento along the river delta, i started thinking about the ideal way to set up my bike to carry the few items of food and clothing that i would need for an overnight camping trip. when i went on the bike tour along the california coast, i knew that i would need to be fully loaded with huge panniers and tons of supplies. but when you’re doing a very light trip, it’s best to keep things as small and light as possible. so i imagined up a set of smaller, more lightweight panniers and decided that a front basket would be nice for keeping a tote bag full of items for easy access: camera, ipad, snacks, a beer.
one quick internet search later and i found my ideal setup! brooks happens to make the perfect matching set of waxed canvas roll up panniers along with a classy wire basket and a tote bag that fits perfectly inside. (though i would definitely put these on my road bike rather than my cruiser so i could actually conquer the hills!) better start saving up my pennies for the next ride!


  1. Love love love this set up. I have a townie bike like this one. It's baby-blue and I love it. Great for getting from point A to B :)

  2. OMG the bike is so WWII I love the colors I want to like ride it and joust with it or something, it's too cool, need to do that to my bike NOW!

  3. Oh maaan…I am in love with these bike accessories. I am in need of this stuff, but I don't own my dream bike yet and my current bike would not match this stuff. Haha…I know worrying about matching isn't very practical…but oh wells! I have a bike that I love the look of but it was out of commission the same day I bought it. It is that retro pale greenish color. If only I got that one fixed up…this stuff would be perfect! Loving you bike styles!

  4. this looks awesome! i've been searching for a basket that fit in the sort of small space between my front wheel and handlebars. i'm going to check this out! ~joelle

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