these colors

calivintage: orange and black
today i had a bit of fun mixing colors. i bought this vintage 1940’s black and orange dress last year, but i’ve only worn it a couple of times.  i think the challenge is that it’s, well, black and orange.  definitely appropriate for halloween.  also appropriate for celebrating the giants winning the world series.  but the rest of the year, i find it challenging to work with this particular color.  i’ve been living in these super warm olive green tights, so i sorta just threw them on as an afterthought, but you know what?  green is a really nice compliment to orange, especially this muted shade. so here’s to continuing experiments with color!
hm.  and now that i think of it, this orange color has got me craving some pumpkin pie!  i haven’t had a slice yet this year, and i’ve got quite the hankering. and i have two little pumpkins sitting in my kitchen just waiting for the transformation.  never made a pumpkin pie from scratch before, but i think i’m gonna try.  ah yes, don’t we all love a good excuse to sit around eating food all day?
dress: vintage 1940’s rayon dress from mercy vintage in oakland
shoes: vintage salvatore ferragamo bow flats

calivintage: orange and black
calivintage: orange and black
calivintage: orange and black
calivintage: orange and black
calivintage: orange and black


  1. Cute dress, the diagonal line in the orange fabric looks great :) and I love the tight with the dress.

    Enjoy your pie (making)!

  2. I wouldn't worry so much about the orange&black – the orange looks more like salmon in these photos. My favorite part is that neat little collar on the dress!

  3. I am in love with this outfit. That dress is absolutely amazing, and I love the black/orange with brown. I actually love wearing black and orange, but feel too Halloweeny when I do, so I think you may have just changed my life. Thanks! : )

  4. Very cute – I reckon it would also go really well with purple, since they are opposites on the colour wheel :)

  5. A daring yet successful combination if you ask me! You made me crack up with the Giants comment, too.

    I can't wait to hear how your from-scratch pumpkin pie turns out! I always use canned pumpkin myself… It might be fun to try making it out of other kinds of squash, too. I feel like acorn squash pie would be delicious.


  6. What a lovely dress! The colours could have made it a bit costume-y, but you're styled it something special.

    I made pumpkin pie the other week… but never having tasted pumpkin pie (never seen any here in England) I don't know how accurate it was.

  7. I love the brown with the orange! And the dress is super cute, though I can appreciate that it might be difficult to wear with the collar and the stripe..

  8. I am so glad you've been outfit posting more frequently, you always inspire me! I agree, black and orange is possibly the hardest color combo to de-holiday, but you did a most excellent job. Love the collar on this dress!

  9. I think this works really well! I have few colours that I have no clue what to wear with. It's nice when it suddenly hits you haha.

  10. It's a really cool dress, and you wear it really well! For what it's worth, it does not look orange and black in these photos, but more of a reddish-orange (so not as Halloween-y as you might be afraid of!) It's really cute!

  11. i love the way how your dress matches with the tree in the background! looks pretty cool! i hope you had/have a great thanksgiving!

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