new year’s resolutions!

i’m gonna be honest with you: i’m kinda like the grinch of new year’s.  as in, i usually think new year’s resolutions are for suckers, and i always refuse to make any.  but i have decided to lighten up and have some fun participating in the ritual this year.  so in honor of the season, i present you with two different new year’s related posts:
1. the talented and beautiful amanda of here’s looking at me kid has been doing a really amazing guest series on new year’s resolutions this week.  i’m a huge fan of her blog, so when she asked me to participate, i was delighted to contribute! for my post, she asked me if i could share some of my tips for sprucing up outfits with accessories like hats, scarves, and sunglasses.  i had a lot of fun going back through my archives and finding examples of how i’ve done it in the past!  if this is something you’re looking to work on this year, go check it out!  if not, she also has a ton more awesome suggestions from some really great bloggers, so it’s definitely worth a look.
2. this year, me and the modcloth blog team decided to embark on a major style resolution project.  each of us chose three style objectives for the year that we’d like to accomplish, and for the next six months, we’re going to write follow-up posts to share our progress.  to read all of our resolutions, and to chime in on our punishments should we fail, go check it out!


  1. Love the sounds of this post! I'm a fan of New Year's Resolutions, and actually look forward to the new year so I can set new goals for myself.

    Cute pictures! ♡

  2. I love your resolution on the Modcloth blog about wearing more bold patterns! Good luck, I can't wait to see what prints you try out!

  3. Love the concept of he New Years Resolutions on the Modcloth blog. I will defnately be pondering on how I can work to change up my look a little in 2011!!

  4. Ever since I've seen you in this olive green sweater (though at one point you describe it as dark cypress?) I want one and can´t find it yet. It suits you great, though with my hair/eye colors might not suit me so well, I WANT_ IT :)

  5. Just read your resolutions, they sound awesome and very similar to my own! Can't wait to keep up with your progress!

  6. What great resolutions! I look forward to hearing about them, good luck! This picture is also too adorable!

  7. cruised over here thanks to your guest post on mandi's blog. happily following your blog now (and i don't let myself follow too many, or else i'd get nothing done!)! cheers!

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