girls + cats

today i decided to do something slightly different than my usual “friday favorites.” instead of focusing on outfits, i thought i’d share some of my favorite photos of girls holding cats. it’s my second favorite thing after bikes and babes. that is all.

yeye! style blog, ali bosworth, paulinemma, and hannah and landon.


  1. The second one looks so huggable, fluffy and fat!! :D and the last one looks so relaxed, mine lets me carry her and never bites me or scratch me, but she pushes me away, I kinda feel bad when she doesn’t want to be carried, but she’s so soft I can’t help it.

  2. Oh, yay, two of my favourite things are in this posts: girls in beautiful clothes and one of my favourite animals, the simple cat! Gosh, I can’t even pick a favourite… it’d be between the 3rd and the 4th. The colour of the dress on the 4th is so incredible, and those tights are to die for!

  3. These are so cute! I honestly haven’t always been the biggest fan of cats. They’re adorable, but they’re not my absolute favorite, but I’ve seen all these pictures recently and I can’t help but love them! There needs to be more puppy pictures out there too!

    1. i actually grew up with dogs only because my mom has a very particular aversion towards cats due to some sort of mysterious cat-related childhood trauma, haha! but when i was in high school, i broke her down and got my first cat! to be honest, i love dogs and cats just about equally! i would have a little puppy right now, but my landlord drew the line at cats…

  4. Adorable!!! There is nothing better than ladies with their cats- especially when they’re colour coordinated with the outfit! Love the coral dress with marmalade cat…

    My kitty is so big and fat that when we take pictures of me holding him, you can’t actually see the outfit…

  5. It’s photos like these, as well as the adorable 3 cats that live where I intern that make me want to run to my nears adoption center and scoop one up. x.x.
    Casie Jean

    1. hehe, i love dogs, too! in fact, the office where i work allows employees to bring their dogs to work, and it is awesome! unfortunately, no matter how much we try to convince the landlord, he will not budge on his “no dogs” policy. we have to wait until we move again to finally get one, so sad!

    1. oh em gee! holy crap! how did i not notice your reblogs and start following you instantly!? i will totally do another girls + cats post and use you as the resource (with attribution, of course). just added you. love!

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