calivintage in glamour magazine!

today i am so excited to announce that i was featured in the april 2011 issue of glamour magazine! it’s part of a new street style segment where glamour travels around to different cities to check out what people are wearing, and they just so happened to shoot me! i am so honored to have been included!

and if you haven’t seen the latest issue in the aisles at the grocery store, you can also check it out online! click here to see the article and to check out the other lovely san francisco ladies featured!

oh! and p.s. if you’re curious what i’m wearing:
sweater: thrifted benetton sweater
dress: dot couture dress from modcloth
shoes: seychelles twistin the night away heel
clutch: a gift from jessica of what i wore
pin: wood “e” initial pin from a souvenir shop


  1. wow, im so glad i found your blog! so cool to now be able to reference someone i saw in a magazine (which i read the magazine last week and thought you were so cute!) definitely going to be keeping up with you now:)

  2. i just read that article the other day and smile all sorts o’ big when I realized it was YOU with that uber darling “E” pin that has me on the search for my own “B” (or two!) congrats, lady! :)

  3. I bought this today, saw you and screamed to my sister, “I know her! I follow her blog!” My sister gave me a weird look. Ppsh.

    Congrats! I’ve only been following a short while, but love it!

  4. Erin! That is amazing! Did they plug your url? I hope so, but it doesn’t look like they did on the online version that I just saw. I’ll have to check out the mag in person to see you on the glossy pages. How cool!

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