it’s raining it’s pouring

calivintage: it's raining it's pouring

as i mentioned in my last post, the weather here in northern california has been so rainy the past few weeks! this weekend, the forecast called for another 3 inches, so i was delighted when the sun came out for a few hours to grace us with its presence. i took the opportunity to throw on my new family affairs mini dress with my little sailor trench for some sunday afternoon shopping with the boy. we splashed in puddles and had a grand time taking silly rainy day photos on the roof top between the random showers.

then we settled back in to watch the season finale of big love, eating cheeseburgers and drinking champagne. the perfect way to finish off a lazy weekend, don’t you think?

dress: true blue dress courtesy of family affairs
coat: bensoni sailor trench
shoes: vintage salvatore ferragamo
umbrella: walgreens
lipstick: ysl rouge pur couture in le rouge

calivintage: it's raining it's pouring
calivintage: it's raining it's pouring
calivintage: it's raining it's pouring
calivintage: it's raining it's pouring
calivintage: it's raining it's pouring
calivintage: it's raining it's pouring
calivintage: it's raining it's pouring


  1. This is the look I want to be mine every day! The little mod-ness of it without being frilly is perfect, with just the simple red lips! Utterly perfect!

  2. I love these pieces together and the Ferragamo’s just make it perfect. I always choose nautical themes and blue for Spring, beats florals hands down!

    I’m really enjoying your blog at the moment,
    Cait x

  3. This set of pictures is stunning; especially the first. Taken at the perfect moment.

    As much as I hate rain, I wish it was raining where I live. Instead of snowing. UGH!

  4. You look so pretty! That shade of blue really suits you. c:
    Also that trench looks so cool. I feel like I have too many coats but I want a tan one so bad haha!

  5. everything about this photo is perfect on a day like today.

    it’s raining here in toronto too !

    although i do not look quite so fashionable wearing my rain jacket! haha

    how’d you do the first photo? are you jumping? your face looks so serene i find it hard to believe you are jumping up in the air!
    later gator

    1. you know what? i was thinking the same thing myself. i feel like i’ve been experimenting with a lot of different styles over the past few months, and it felt really good to get into something more “calivintage,” as you said. it’s so funny how some styles just feel more like yourself.

  6. I’m a fairly new reader, so I just realized I have never seen you in anything but longsleeves/long pants! And damn girl, you should rock dresses like these more often! That cut is gorgeous on you and def shows off your arms and legs -wolf whistle-

    also, love the shoes and trench :)

  7. such beautiful pictures! I love everything about it! I’m thinking about bringing a picture of you to my hair dresser the next time, I adore your hair.

  8. The frock is beautiful, but I am particularly loving the red lip – it really suits you. Like Elaine above I am also loving the return of the bob, it suits you so much

  9. Seriously WHY is it raining so much? Is it like karmic retribution for the January sunshine? I don’t know. Bottom line is that it really sucks.

    Nevertheless, you manage to look too cute for words! That dress, goodness me. All kinds of adorable. And you put your lipstick on so perfectly! I need to buy lipliner or something… mine never ends up looking that crisp, even if I use a brush. Which I always do, because I am a total klutz.


  10. That dress looks waaay better on you than the model from Family Affairs – no offense to the model you just look so great in it!

  11. This is my favourite post of yours in soooo long! You look amazing! I love that dress – and your makeup is killing me lately. I’ve never really worn any, but you’ve been inspiring me to give it a try. I usually find makeup to be kind of jarring, but you look so glamorously elegant in such a 50’s sort of way. You need to post a picture where you’re actually wearing the coat – it looks adorable!

    1. wow, thank you marissa! i actually do have a couple of photos of me in my coat wearing my glasses on the way out shopping. i think i’ll post it to my tumblr to share! also, you should totally try some bright lipstick! it’s weird at first, but once you get used to it, it’s really fun!

  12. You look adorable! I love those photos of you jumping in the air :-) So elegant.

    Thank you for the comment you left on my blog :-) And in response – you’re welcome :-)

  13. I know it sounds so silly but you know how to take jumping pictures so well! My hair is always up in the air..I can’t get the timing right :D

  14. I don’t know if it’s the dress, but this outfit totally brings out your hairstyle ! It’s amazing. This flapper’s bobby cut suits your perfectly. I wish I had the right type of hair to sport it!
    Also : gorgeous dress.

  15. Girl, you are looking fine in that powder blue dress. I thought it was a cute dress when I saw the Family Affairs lookbook, but you are making it sing like a muthafucka. It’s so so beautiful on you! And that trench is just the sweet chocolate gum drop on top. xx

  16. This dress is so adorable with the sailor trench and that lipstick. Your hair is looking amazing too! I really like that shade of gray blue of the dress. Want more of that color in my wardrobe please! Have a good week!

  17. Oh my god, I LOVE this dress. It is so hard for me to not get every single dress that I see you wearing! You look so classic and lovely! It was made for you

  18. looove these photos! the light looks really nice, overcast always makes for some great lighting. that dress is way cute, and i love the red lipstick with the powder bue color. your legs also look super long in the first photo!

  19. I am usually a lurker, not a commenter. However, that is the best jumping shot I have ever seen you do. Well done. Love the whole look.

  20. I adore this mod looking outfit. that dress is delish. the close up of your face is wonderful

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