my nadinoo

calivintage: my nadinoo

ah! i’m feeling pretty good about monday this week because i had one of those very productive weekends! i woke up bright and early on saturday feeling motivated to do some serious spring cleaning. all day, me and the boy went through our things for a major overhaul and got rid of all the clutter that we’d somehow amassed over the past several months. our apartment isn’t huge and spacious, so we decided that we need to keep the junk to a minimum. and i have to say, i feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that i’ve gotten rid of all that excess.

then we went for a stroll around the neighborhood and i decided to wear my lovely nadinoo dress! i received it a few months ago when the weather was still pretty cold and rainy, so i was saving it for a nice sunny weekend afternoon! it’s custom made, similar to the fleur’s penna dress in a pale green liberty print. and what’s more, i am so excited to share that  nadinoo, has started a gallery of photos filled with pictures of lovely ladies wearing their own beautiful nadinoo creations. you can submit your look to the gallery on her facebook page, style my nadinoo. you should also take a moment to check out her site to get a peek at her new spring 2011 collection!

dress: custom made by nadinoo
shoes: swedish hasbeens peep toe super high
bag: thrifted vintage straw clutch
lipstick: ysl rouge pur in le orange

calivintage: my nadinoo
calivintage: my nadinoo
calivintage: my nadinoo
calivintage: my nadinoo
calivintage: my nadinoo


  1. Ooh, this dress is so pretty!! It looks perfect for spring. I love the sweet and simple way you’ve styled it – the shoes look so nice with it and I am loving that little clutch!

  2. I just had to come out of lurking to pipe in how sweet & beautiful that dress is on you. Love that dress (I love dresses with lovely prints and a unique collar)

  3. What a pretty dress? Their clothes are just so whimsical, girlie and pretty! This dress just looks amazing on you! Your hair is growing out, what are your next hair plans?

  4. My goodness Erin! This is painfully cute. I could see both your shoes and dress being vintage themselves one day. While I have a tendency of fixating on vintage, you always remind me that there actually are some incredible modern-day pieces out there. I think you have the new-old balance down just right!


  5. Wonderful and darling. <3 <3 I love your dress and you look so adorable. The shoes and clutch are nice touches.

    Love your blog and tumblr!

  6. Hi! I’m a new follower. You look great as always, love the dress and your neighborhood looks so pretty. I feel great this week also because we too cleaned house this past weekend. :)

  7. Oh, you bought Shanti’s clutch! I absolutely adore the vintage finds in her Etsy shop and was mulling this one over for a little bit. Instead I went with a heavily beaded, geometric sort of belt, vintage Christian Dior, very chic ;)

  8. I love the shoes. I juste bought them on the website and now I am waiting by my letter box…!
    And the dress is great too ! Every dress from Nadia is such a delight…

  9. I’m totally in love with your blog! This dress is amazing and you look like Amelie from Le fabuleux destin d’Amelie Poulain..very cute..

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