a very blustery day

calivintage: a very blustery day

that’s right, it finally happened. after weeks of resisting, i finally had to say goodbye to bare legs and pull out a pair of tights. i actually wore a very similar version of this outfit back in february, but back then, the weather was nicer than it is now! i was wearing orange and yellow with this fresh enthusiasm for springtime weather, but this is san francisco, so it’s been raining for like a week straight, meaning that my wardrobe had suddenly started to resemble the sky. can you tell i’m getting sick of the rain? haha!

top: thrifted vintage silk blouse
sweater: anthropologie
skirt: asos denim full skirt
tights: tabio 110 denier tights
shoes: swedish hasbeens ballerina hepburn flats
bag: rebecca minkoff covet clutch
lipstick: ysl rouge pur in le orange
necklace: jenÁ© de spain savoy plaza necklace

calivintage: a very blustery day
calivintage: a very blustery day
calivintage: a very blustery day
calivintage: a very blustery day


  1. I really like your blog and your outfit too! the weather was bad.. grey clouds..
    If you want follow me on blogger I will do the same!

  2. Beautiful photos. I love the tights even if you were hoping to have bare legs. The flats look adorable on you too. Hope it gets warmer out for your liking!

    by the way, I don’t know if you saw my tweet I tagged you in, but one of the outfits I chose from your Lola Vintage giveaway was just posted on my blog: http://tinyurl.com/6alq2mf

  3. Your haircut is adorable and I really love the denim skirt. Although it looks cosy for practical reasons (there’s rain here in London too!), your outfit looks so cute :) xxx

  4. It’s been some time since I have stopped by, please forgive me! Your hair looks amazing! I really love what you have done with it. Love this look. Your necklace is so perfect!

  5. Cute and classic, love the pop of white of the collar and cuffs on the grey jumper!

    don’t worry about the rain, its raining here in Spain too, and I don’t even live on the plain!

  6. the weather just isn’t being fair lately. it was so warm on sunday (sunburn inducing heat!) but now its back to wind and rain. i don’t live where you do, but im pretty sure we share the same weather patters :(

  7. I just sucked it up and put tights on today too, although now it’s oddly sunny and kinda nice out? I can’t wait for some consistency with sunshine around here. Great outfit though, those flats are amazing!

    1. thanks! i’m excited to get some proper photos with the new camera, though there is something impressive about these shots: they were taken at 8pm when the sun was no longer on the horizon AND it was cloudy out (as you can see). the only hint that it’s nightfall is the light in the window peeking through the trees on the bottom left. crazy!

  8. This outfit is amazing in its simplicity, I really love it erin.
    I’m really sick of rainy weather too, and I definitely don’t look as stylish as you do when it’s grey and rainy outside. These photos look great, congrats on your new camera!

  9. Very striking shots and the blue denim skirt looks great against the moody skies. Nothing wrong with breaking out the tights (i seem to be having trouble letting mine go).

  10. You look especially gorgeous in these photos Erin! And I adore your look – so charming! I personally like the rain and gloomy skies, so I’m a little envious of you. (:

  11. I’ve been looking for a blouse like that to wear under sweaters. A thrift store! Of course!

    I really love this outfit on you. It’s an awesome mix of sophisticated and girly.

  12. I really love the simplicity of this outfit. I’m on the hunt for a nice denim skirt and this has definitely given me inspiration for how to wear it when I find one!

  13. Pingback: Jené DeSpain

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