warby parker

calivintage: warby parker

you may remember a while back, i wrote about my interest in warby parker glasses! well, almost six months later, and i finally decided to take advantage of their home try-on program (after seeing the likes of eat.sleep.wear. and jen loves kev sporting their own stylish glasses) to pick out a pair of frames. i was so excited when i placed the order, that i sent a little tweet to the folks at warby parker, who asked if i would share some photos so they could help me decide which pair to get! so last night, my boyfriend and i took turns trying them out to get some opinions on which frames to get. this actually might be one of the rare appearances that brendan has made on the blog. he was very sleepy after a long day of work when we took these pictures, so i hope he doesn’t mind that i posted these for everyone to see!

i’m actually not convinced that any of these will be right for me (though i definitely spot a pair i like for brendan), but all of these styles come in different colors, too! oh, decisions! and i’m open to suggestions!


    1. Oh yes, I actually just got a pair of glasses from Bonlook! They were my sponsor last month and they were really great. The glasses are awesome and equally affordable, which is a total win!

  1. My vote goes to the Winstons for both of you, although I do love the Sinclairs and have been thinking about grabbing a pair for myself.

  2. You look good in all of them… there I just made it more difficult, sorry, but you could seriously buy all of them. For your boy Brendan I think the Winston or Fillmore style look amazing.
    This reminds me that I need to get my eyes checked!

    Thank you for a wonderful blog, you are a inspiration!

    Have a good one
    Greetings from Norway!

  3. I like the Winstons for you and the Fillmore for Brendan (if he’s looking). I wish I would have known about this company about a year back, I just got new glasses. Maybe next time…

  4. The Huxleys look good on you! I have them in the crystal…they’re amazing. I also really like the Winstons on you.

  5. I like the Winstons on you! I went to a store in San Francisco to try the frames on, and ordered the Prestons! Very excited for them to arrive in a few days.

  6. i actually think each pair is very flattering on you. though, i’m partial to the winstons since they seem to have the most interesting shape.

  7. I just bought the huxley’s and I had to take a chance (They dont send home try ons to canada) but I’m so glad I did. I absolutely love them! I think I like the clear bottomed fillmores on you the best!


  8. I did the home try-on a few months ago and unfortunately wasn’t fond of any of the frames I picked BUT the quality seemed excellent and I love the idea. Their service model is top notch! I ended up getting a style very similar to several WB frames from Zenni, which I love.

    I’ll definitely try WB again though.

  9. ooo! these are fantastic. and i must say (without wanting to sound weird) that you and your boyfriend make a beautiful couple! i really like the tortoise shell sinclairs, and tortoise shell is oh-so easy to pair with everything. i also like the two-toned fillmores…. wow. tough decision!

  10. My favourite on you is the winston, but the sinclair is also great. Can’t to see which one you decide on (and this makes me want to get a pair of new glasses too!)

  11. I just ordered the two tone Filmore and Winston! I am so excited to get them!!!!! All the frames really look good on you, its just about which look you are going for. Good luck picking- I personally and obviously love the Filmore two tone.

  12. I’m wearing the Sinclairs in Burgundy Fade right now – I LOVE them! I think they’re the most classic of the bunch but still plenty on trend.

  13. such cute photos!! :D I definitely like the pair on you that’s in the second row. teehee you and your boy look really adorable together!

  14. I tried TEN pairs of Warby Parkers through the at-home try-on deal and none of them looked remotely flattering. They’re cute, but you gotta have a distinct face for them I guess. The Winstons look good on your boyfriend, though.

  15. they all look really pretty. now I need my eyes checked out since I never have. . . and probably should since I have a hard time seeing things that are small from close up like I used to be able to do.

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