weekly roundup

you may have noticed that last week that i didn’t manage to put up my friday favorites, and then yesterday, i posted an outfit instead. but fear not! i am still doing my roundups, but they’ve moved to saturday instead. so enjoy! and catch up on all of my favorites on the calivintage tumblr.

hel-looks, klÁ¸verhoy fashionmodclothliebemarlenekennedy holmes


  1. Erin! The friday favourites are great, buuuuut – what I really want to know is – when do Public become a sponsor?? This is new, right?? That is fabulous!!

    1. thank you! i’ve been in talks with them for quite a while, and i am over the moon that they are finally a sponsor. not only that, but we have some pretty big projects in the works! i’m so excited!!!

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