new bike

calivintage: new bike

guess what, you guys?! i got a new bike! i went to pick up this lovely 8 speed mixte from public bikes on friday afternoon and was so excited i could hardly contain myself. i was all amped up and ready to go for a spin, but unfortunately, the weather disagreed with a forecast of about 2 inches of rain for the weekend. i stayed indoors for most of the weekend, but low and behold, on sunday afternoon, the grey skies held the water in just long enough for me to go on a little test ride.

yep, she’s my new baby. rides like a breeze with a snazzy 8 speed internal hub so i can tackle my hilly neighborhood. and of course, it’s got upright geometry meaning i don’t have to change into high rise pants (or spandex) before i hop on because i can sit up straight while i ride. and, being the design-minded person that i am, the beautiful baby blue paint job and classy mixte frame appeal to my eye. it’s gonna be a fun summer!

shirt: j.crew silk sophie blouse
sweater: vintage cashmere sweater
dress: vintage polka dot dress
shoes: vintage salvatore ferragamo flats
bag: j.w. hulme mini legacy bag
sunglasses: karen walker number six
lipstick: ysl rouge pur in le rouge
bike: m8 courtesy of public bikes

calivintage: new bike
calivintage: new bike
calivintage: new bike
calivintage: new bike
calivintage: new bike
calivintage: new bike


  1. The bike looks great! I sort of want one but every city I live in (London, Los Angeles, D.C.) throughout the year…I’m just terrified of biking in the street. And when I drive, I’m terrified of HITTING someone on a bike. I can’t win.

    Really loving the skirt and the shoes with this outfit. It all pieces together so nicely.

  2. What a beautiful bike! I am extremely jealous. I got mine for £5 from a carboot sale and she squeaks whenever I peddle, still love her though. x

  3. this bike looks incredible. i love the color! my bike makes retched sounds every time i pull the brakes but it doesnt matter – summer biking is my number one essential!

    1. Have you tried replacing your brake pads? $5 and a couple of screws, pretty easy fix and will make you so much more confident when you can brake securely and quietly.

  4. Hooray for your new bike! I am glad that the weather stopped being a pain in the butt for long enough for you to enjoy it. I love this skirt on you!

  5. Wow I love your bike. I have found myself lingering over second hand bikes all afternoon. I plan to make it my mission to purchase before the month is over x

  6. Oh my God, it is the BIKE of my DREAMS! I have been longing for that exact bike in that exact colour (except with a basket on the front) for so long but can’t seem to find anything other than racers or mountain bikes in the shops here. Can I ask you if you know the size of the wheels on it? I have seen these online but you have to know what is the proper size (for example, a few years ago I needed a cheap bike to get to college and accidentally bought one for teens that is too small, doh! Ended up never riding it as a result)

    1. the wheels are 700cc which is standard for most adult bikes. the frames come in three sizes. small is for 4’11” to 5’3″, medium is for 5’3″ – 5’8″, and large is for 5’8″ – 6’0″! i’m 5’5″ and got the size medium and it is perfect! good luck! you can check out all of the specs here:

  7. I’m seriously considering getting one of these as I need something more lightweight than my cruiser. I love the color you chose.

  8. I love it! I want a bike so badly, but there’s really not a good place to ride around here :( I hope that I’ll be moving to a better biking community someday. Until then, I will just live vicariously through other bloggers! And seriously, you could not possibly look any cuter on that thing.

  9. Oh my gosh! That bike is so perfect! I am extremely, extremely jealous. The color is so brilliant. And I love the white tires.
    I’m in the market for a new bike – I got a vintage cruiser, in a slightly different blue color from this one, but it’s single speed, and thus is not very practical.

  10. that is such a nice bike. it looks a little heavy though. having a bike that can go up hills easily is a real treat that i can truly appreciate!

    1. it is heavier than a road bike, but i found this bike to be surprisingly lightweight! combined with the 8 speeds, this little lady is perfect for the hills where i live in oakland! this particular bike weighs 31 lbs, which is waaay better than my previous vintage raleigh cruiser that felt like it was at least 50lbs! but i definitely understand why some people prefer a road bike for all of their riding needs! i actually have a road bike (surly long haul trucker) that i use for more intense rides!

  11. Awwww Yeah! That’s what I’ve been waiting for! I had a feeling that that would be the one you went for, it’s adorable! I’ve been wanting the same one, except in the orange. It looks great!

  12. Love the outfit! It’s so cute and perfect for a Sunday bike ride! And how awesome is that bike? I’ve been trying to find a cool retro style for when I move to the bay, but for now I’ll stick to my mountain bike.

    Little Acorns

  13. yay you got a public bike! nice! and i love the baby blue with the orange too! i need to go test one of their bikes out, i have been meaning to but just haven’t gotten around to it! you look adorable in that outfit riding your pretty new wheels!


  14. What a gorgeous steed!! Let us know how you go ont hose hills – their site says it is great for that, but it looks heavy! I am looking for a good road bike for Sydney hills… so I’d love to hear how yours goes! :)

    1. so far so good! with 8 speeds, i find that this is fine for the hills here in oakland, though i do have a road bike for more intense rides! but i like this one for more casual riding and it’s not heavy for a cruiser!

  15. Perfect baby blue color! You will definitely have a great summer with that sweet bike. Love how you layered here and the polka dots. xoxo

  16. that is a gorgeous bike I love the colour so different! I am thinking of taking up cycling just as something to do to wind down. Looks like you are having so much fun!
    I love your dress too so cute :)

    XX Ilana

  17. Your outfit is perfect! I love how cute it is, but comfortable looking for bike riding. I am inspired by this look! I might have to copy-cat it!! :D

    Yay on the new bike! I am super jealous– it is BEAUTIFUL.

    <3 L

  18. THat bike is completely droolworthy! I’m dying for a bike that I can sit up on and not flash everyone ;) Also, whenever you wear that polka dot dress I smile, its just so pretty.

  19. ahh, that bike is dreamy, I love the color so much! Also your bike style is always impeccable, I never look that fantastic.

    We’re hosting a swap in your area at the end of june and I would love to see you again!

  20. Sweet! I received this same bike in the cream color as a graduation/moving to Portland, OR gift. I find the 8-speed perfect for the hills and I LOVE the internal hub – shifting at a stop light to start faster?? Yes please!

    I’m wondering if your chains make noise against the chainguard – it’s not a structural issue just a little noisy.

  21. What a gorgeous bike! How do you manage to keep your skirt down while you ride?–I’m really struggling with that issue lately so I could use some tips!

  22. i’ve been thinking about getting a public bike for a while now. i love the color of yours! i’m thinking of getting mine in either that or the orange. see yours makes me want to get mine even more!

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