sail away

calivintage: sail away

this weekend, i couldn’t wait to wear my brand new nadinoo dress! the moment i laid eyes on it, i knew it would have to be mine. i see a sailor collar, i have to have it! so this is what i wore sunday for a fun day at the alameda flea market. it’s usually on the first sunday of every month, but because of the rain last weekend, they pushed the date back. and it couldn’t have been a better day for a flea market, with sunny skies and a gentle breeze. i scored some pretty awesome loot including a beautiful blue and purple floral cocktail dress from the 1950s (for only $15?!) and a couple of darling 1960s hats among other things. i also decided to take street style photos of some of the fashionable ladies i saw browsing through the rows of antiques, and got a few really cute shots that i can’t wait to share with you! and in the process, i met a few people who actually read my blog and had some really nice conversations! it really made my day!

then after the flea market me and the boy went back to our neighborhood in oakland and snapped a few pictures by lake merritt. i’ve mentioned it before, but we live about 3 blocks from this lake! i just rarely have photos of it because there are always so many people hanging around and as i was mentioning last week, i just get so shy about taking photos in public. but after having been approaching strangers for street style photos all day, i was feeling pretty gutsy!

dress: nadinoo pixie goes sailing dress
bag: vintage straw tote
shoes: swedish hasbeens braided sky high
sunglasses: tom ford nikita

calivintage: sail away
calivintage: sail away
calivintage: sail away
calivintage: sail away
calivintage: sail away
calivintage: sail away


    1. oh, i’m just so incredibly shy taking photos in front of so many people! i get awkward with all the cars driving by on my street when we take photos, but by the lake, there were literally hundreds of people hanging out in the grassy areas, walking past, and sitting on the steps to see the view that i was standing in front of! i would normally never pose for photos with so many people around, but i somehow got up the courage to do it!

  1. simply phenomenal! That dress is really special and perfect on you!
    I get really self-conscious taking pics in public too, people seem to stop and watch like they’ve never seen a camera!

    1. i know, right?! i didn’t think it was that odd to take photos… i mean, people do it all the time. so yes, i’m always a bit surprised when people just stop and watch! but surprisingly, in a public place like this, i got less people watching me because it’s such a picturesque spot that people are always snapping pictures there anyway. i was somehow less out-of-place than when we take pictures on my street!

  2. Oooo Erin you have made my day! You look adorable in your sailor dress, it shows off your tattoos beautifully :)

    You are fabulous, enjoy all those envious eyes on you! Or just give yourself an alternate name and personality when you take pics and play a roll…

    hugs Nadia x

    Heading back to my blog to post your pics!

  3. I have to say, that dress looks a million times better on you than on the website. I couldn’t really see what the fuss was, but it looks great on you! I kind of wish all these brands would stop putting their clothes on sticky models… I find it really hard to imagine what the clothes will look like on real people!

  4. i’m excited to learn you live near lake merritt. i live in berkeley but am super curious about lake merritt… would like to hear your thoughts on the area!

    <3 nikole

    1. the lake is big so not all sides are created equal. i live on the lakeshore side behind the grand lake theater near the town of piedmont and i absolutely love it! and it’s really nice to walk around the lake, too! you should check it out!

  5. I agree with Emily–I was pretty meh about this dress on the Nadinoo website, but on you it looks great. Love the yellow tote, too!

      1. Shoot me an e-mail when you’re back in the City and we’ll go vintage shopping. I’ve found some great spots since last fashion week ;)

  6. I love this dress, the back is adorable! I have been trying to get over my phobia of being photographed in front of crowds of people. I think I just feel like everyone is looking at me, so congrats for braving the crowds for these photos! They turned our beautifully!

  7. I was at the Alameda flea, it was great for vintage jewelry! I found some really cool ones. I came in from the city wearing two sweaters and ended up so hot I had to take them off, and got my arms burnt because I didnt think I’d have to show them and didn’t put sunblock on! I’m not used to seeing the sun, perhaps I need to hang out in the east bay more!

    1. oh man, i totally got sunburn on my shoulders, too! it’s been so long since i’ve been exposed to the sun for more than a couple minutes, that i completely forgot the sunblock. gotta remember that next time! also, too bad we didn’t run into each other! maybe next time!

  8. This dress looks amazing on you! well Nadinoo does know how to make a girl look cute! I love your short hair as well : ) makes me happy to see another bob walking around!


    Caitlin Rose

  9. Hey hey, I’m long time reader, first time commenter!

    I have the exact same bag as you, except mine broke from over stuffing and is now being pimped/fixed by a accessories designer friend. Hope yours lasts well, if if it doesn’t and give me a holla for my friend’s details!

    Big love, Hazel x

  10. Wowwy you look super cute and sexy. I love your tattoos. I am sure everyone is staring at your lovely dress. But ya its kinda weird taking outfit photos with a bunch of people around.

  11. you are so lovely! man, that dress is gorgeous!! I also love your market bag, it’s perfect. I’ve been trying to snatch one up at a thrift store but haven’t had luck yet.

  12. this is such a perfect dress. when i am taking pictures for my blog i always have a back story in my mind just in case anyone asks what i am doing. for some reason saying “its for my fashion blog” doesn’t seem like a good enough answer!

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