hawaii photo diary, part one

hawaii photo diary, day two

as with any vacation, it’s hard to resist taking a million and one photos of everything you see. especially in a strange new land like hawaii! i’ve been lugging around my digital slr, a little 35 mm point and shoot camera, and my iphone everywhere i go just snapping away to keep a document of what i’ve seen (and for a bit of photography practice)! it makes me think of that kinks song, “people take pictures of the summer, just in case someone thought they had missed it, and it prove that it really existed…” haha!

these photos were snapped at kukio beach on our second day here!

hawaii photo diary, day two
hawaii photo diary, day two
hawaii photo diary, day two
hawaii photo diary, day two
hawaii photo diary, day two
hawaii photo diary, day two


  1. beautiful photos! i’m so jealous. i lived in California my whole life and never made it to Hawaii, and now I’m even farther away on the other side of the country! All the more reason to move back. :)

  2. I went to the Big Island 5 years ago…. loved it. You are making me want to go back again!!! And I love your sweet white dress against the volcanic rock in the previous post. Absolutely stunning!! :)

  3. These photos are so beautiful. It looks like you had an amazing trip. I am all about snapping photos while on vacation, it helps solidify the experience for me. Thank you for sharing these snapshots of your vacation with us.

  4. Love the photos! You’ve already got perfected what I’m trying to learn right now…closeup focus and faraway blur. Have fun on the rest of the trip!

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